i dreamed that this train suddenly stopped service in the middle of the siberian wilderness and was also selling a carfull of cheap plushies for 8 tickets each
they were like, cheap knockoff versions of those anime character plushies that people like to buy sometimes, and i picked out the p5 protag and some other character i've forgotten so i could give them to my sister
there was a lady whose identity i've forgotten who was like come on guys, let's go! but there was also this large wartortle/bulbasaur combo who was huddled outside the train moping about how there was nothing we could do and how wandering out into the wilderness would only mean death
so the two of us headed out alone, leaving the luggage behind (i think we expected employees to take care of that at some point??) but i still had my carryon bag with me (with the plushies in it) and we got to this area that looked like a video game dungeon with moving sand floors
then i stepped into the labyrinth and...next thing i remember i was driving popo through an ancient chinese city past people wearing qing dynasty queues, and we were treating it like an amusement park or something?