Game rec! This is Bioweaver, a Vampire Survivors-like except also it's NOT a roguelikeSave 30% on Bioweaver on Steam
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you play a scientific monstrosity trapped in a lab with scientific monstrosities
and have to modify your body using organs harvested from other scientific monstrosities or by using raw cells to craft organs in a 3D printer then you place your organs in combination in your body
chaining together abilities with activation triggers
until you're launching a three-shot projectile that triggers a poison aura whenever it strikes an enemy and every one of those enemies also spawns a mini-slime which in turn creates a chain of floating discs that home in on nearby enemies
or whatever
all abilities are auto use based on how you build it in your character screen so all you're doing in actual battle is avoiding attacks while your abilities kill everything
I just lost like 3 hours to it and it's real good
you can unlock 4 different skill trees to place organs into
you don't switch between them, they're just all going off at once,
oh and every single organ can be mutated with mutagens you find by beating enemies
to give them random modifiers
like extra damage or longer duration or more projectiles or whatnot
oh no
and each organ also has a golden version that has a special modifier that changes how they work
it's a lot and it's so good...
oh and it's on super sale
it's like
$4.89 USD
go buy it
thank you
this is a game about having an incredible diversity in making builds, and going out to collect the parts needed to put together killer builds
and slowly working up your way to god-killing little slime guy
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