I'll go with the number of likes until someone specifically asks numbers so
1. How long have you been roleplaying? The earliest time I can think of is maybe Gaia or maybe even The Palace tbh. I'm sure I did fanfiction likely before but that's the first thing that came to mind. That was maybe... 19 years ago? Jesus
Idk if this is somewhere on the list. It just came to mind and I dont want to put it in someone else's plurk with random shit. I wish I was better about activity. Like I have been trying to get back into RP again because I missed it, but I feel like my biggest problem will always be me being active enough to keep up on tags every day
and I do try to be better about it, but it's so easy to look at inbox and go "I'm not in the mood" and then suddenly it's been a week since I've done tags and then i feel awful again lol
If there's anything I need to improve on and will actively work on, it's my activity. And then I feel bad because I do miss tagging certain people, but also feel like they deserve better activity from me and they likely dont want to wait for my crusty ass tags sometime