The bigger issue is probably where to hold it.
I mean, there was talk about doing this at the Scratch, since Ororo is part owner or something
if you wanted it a little more closed than at the casino (do we want Gambit at a casino, that sounds dangerous lmao) she has her house at the Down!
maybe a cozier get together after the event or something (idk if these holidays have to be like.. specifically timed lol)
Rogue has been working on the kitchen...
almondlychee: We absolutely want Remy at the casino. Just not at the moment. (Does it have a head of security? Remy would probably be really good at that.)
Thor's on the security team, but I don't know if there's a "head". You' have to talk to the Sara player
No worries. Remy could just do floor security, too. I'll give them a message once Remy's actually talked to folks and has an idea to ask about itm
Ororo definitely would have brought it up with him!
The kitchen is as improved as Ororo has allowed.
But as much as she can she has!
PLEASE Rogue already asked Ororo about doing this sort of thing since she's not exactly in a spot to host anything
Yeah and I know I brought it up oocly a while back (and we had talked about Rogue icly bringing it up too) - it definitely would have happened since Remy arrived.
Those two are food centric.
They're Southern. Food is their love language.
Well, the non-physical love language.
Somewhat related, Pike needs to meet Remy as he is supposed to make good Cajun food.
okay i also need rogue to meet pike maybe food can come up and she can invite him to dinner so she can eat double the delicious food
i mean that in a literal sense but hmm also
I mean he's supposed to make good everything.
(aka i watched the LD/BNW crossover and that man was cooking something)
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
Remy would be glad to cook for anybody. He likes cooking. It helps him relax. (No, the faculty freezer isn't always full of various Cajun and Creole dishes when shit is going down or his relationship is on the rocks...)
I edited it. You saw nothing
Pike's side project has been trying to make Star Trek food with Duplicity available ingredents
Rogue is the same way with cooking.
She's going to pitch the catering idea with Remy
okay but yes friendsgiving(s)
but what if an outreach potluck
i am just spitballing ideas
network post looking for others that like/can cook
then an open mingle log for it?
in december though not nov
That might be easier to sort out, honestly.