•宗教意味: ❶‘Love thy neighbour as yourself.’ Heard of that? Christian values. 说不定整个剧本也有基于此话之上的意味。 ❷Ollie扮成神父引诱人来房子里(有两个场景,一个是引流浪汉进来,另一个是招待邻居,不知道这两个意味是否相同) ❸两个人对信仰的不同态度 ❹Kay登场的シーン,the chance only a man of God could’ve offered me.以及她是死在育儿室的。 ❺以赛亚书那段↓
Why should I – why should any of us? – feel guilty about that? Without us everything out there would fall to pieces. It’d be the Dark Ages all over again. It’s people like us who’re standing between civilisation and chaos –
Modern life is built on keeping the human cost of consumerism out of sight.
Troubled by a biblical sense of right and wrong, Radiant Vermin is an extreme fantasy about self-styled good people justifying their immoral behaviour in the name of a consumerist god.