Sorry for the doubleplurk but.. bad brain hours also decided to slam in. Pls can has buttpats?
latest #21
(apologies if it makes me seem selfish)
this is true.
life's just hit a rough patch rn ;;
3 months ago
You are a fun and cool person. I believe in you.
3 months ago
Love you, my friend
thanks guys <3 seriously
I love you, sweet Mika. You are a good noodle who deserves love and support
◦.🐑 Sheep .
3 months ago
when I come back...

it's on
◦.🐑 Sheep .
3 months ago
i never messaged here but holding you up, i adore you so much mika you are literally a bottle of sunshine. and a sweetheart. i am so sorry things are rough for you right now let us know if we can do anything
ty so much sheep
all of you are so sweet
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