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雖然會有陰影 但一定會變得更勇敢江 (@wwimcxx) on Threads@Turtle56 - 有噁心影片,轉發只是要說要比對方兇,我以前遇到那時監視器不多,一開始都是,咦?他...
Introducing... 🥁🥁💥 the global premiere of WRONG BODIES, a feature length documentary exploring the ways“trans”identification is a de facto modern-day body mutilation cult, remarkably similar to other prominent and historical cults.
Watch here and be sure to share before it gets censored (again)WRONG BODIES on X@BlackBottle - 「隆重介紹... 🥁 🥁 💥 全球首映的《錯誤的身體(WRONG BODI...