pls help me jumpstart my brain
..and if that's too many be selective
2. Big spoon or little spoon? Big spoon!! he just. really likes holding people and probably sleeps easier with someone in his arms
(not like, WELL, but better)
14. Do they like having their hair played with? yes, by the right person. once upon a time it didn't take very long to become a right person but later, uh, well.
oh good give steve a challenge
15. How about being groomed/grooming someone else? (washing/hair brushing/makeup etc.) His main inclination has always leaned towards being the one doing it, in both romantic and platonic contexts - he just really likes taking care of people okay - but once upon a time, he could definitely enjoy the opposite
especially if they got real stubborn about it because he is attracted to stubborn people lbr
NOW there's probably some baggage there
tmw the only one who pampers you is the devil
...oh god that particular note's gonna get struck weirdly shortly I think
17. How do they respond to "I love you"? Do they say it? This man loves so fast and is not shy about expressing it. That probably got awkward in his teen years lbr
i don't think that...actually changes, at his core, he just becomes far less likely to act on or express it.
18. What flusters them? Attention.
Outside of Knight Duties do not perceive him please and thank you
(Unless those Knight Duties involve, you know, parties and awards and shit, fuck that, goodbye)
I don't think he was AS BAD about this before losing Evandrin and spiralling for seven years but he always felt a bit awkward in the spotlight
asmodeus: you're an archdevil now
24. Fastest way to endear them to someone? Kindness.
Especially if it's not convenient or easy.
so naturally he went from a city that prioritised power and ambition over anything else to Hell which actively punished compassion
6. Do they like to hold hands? He did! I mean, he still does, but he is far less likely to initiate it
8. Favorite place to be kissed? You know, I don't think he could pick a favourite? Getting kissed is just!!! really nice in general. but he sure has Extra Feelings about being kissed one the forehead/between those horns, or on any of his scars but especially the ones above his heart
20. Cooking/sharing meals? He misses this part of Mortal Domesticity a lot. Even with Evandrin in Avalir it wasn't quite the same, because magic did So Much Of It (and food grown from the earth is better he will argue that forever) but
just the bits of preparation they did do together or for each other, and for Elias, and getting together with other loved ones - good times.
forehead kisses are good!
loving the between-the-horns kiss when Jedao forgave him after the swords curse :3
...also I think when they're in bed Jedao ABSOLUTELY has a thing about kissing him on front & back of the neck where Jedao stabbed him
ffffff yeah that. that sure does have The Desired Effect
Jedao knows EXACTLY which vertebrae were severed
surprising no one zerxus finds that extremely sexy
tmw your age-old competence kink ties right into your brand new getting murdered kink