4 months ago @Edit 4 months ago
[XIV][Spoilers] ok I have done all of the major new content
latest #12
And my major takeaway is: Zoraal Ja, the Resilient Fuckup
Anyway I like that there was a journal page in the alliance raid and it was just one guy complaining about missing a spawn time
Anyway my first dungeon run was flawless, except for the fact that I walked into the hole at the very last second and I had to restart the entire fight
I then did it again in Expert roulette and my party told me they were all high and I think they had an Experience
Alliance Raid went pretty well died twice on Shadow Lord tho
Anyway I hope Electrope becomes the new Aether, our catch all solution for explaining everything
Just because it would be funny
zoraal ja is such a mess.
I really enjoyed getting more Zoraal Ja
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