today's post-therapy art is just some sticky notes of kalmiya and her partners... i rly like to try and sit down with a more involved piece after therapy but the world conspired to interrupt and overstimulate me today while i was trying to decompress so this is what i've got
this is so pretty omg

thank you!! the yellow one gave me hell bc i made the sketch too dark and it was showing up through the inks LOL but i did my besty...
OH HEARTS that's cute also really pretty
thank you!! a friend got me these heart-shaped sticky notes when i was doing drawtober and i luv them
what are sticky notes for if not art that is easy on my brain

very anxious about a weekend trip for various reasons so here's a juniper, an OC i do not draw often also for various reasons

quick doodle of juniper from tonight's session. one of the party members gave her a flower crown and another gave her a scarf and a freshly-baked loaf of sourdough
she is not used to Having Friends™️ so big Ws for her
juniper's hair is super cute
both pictures are very cute in general
thank u though i can't take full credit for the style, i did her original concept in a picrew LOL

more desert weirdo AU kalmiya and reeve from a few days ago

one of the party sluts (affectionate) who is secretly a softie has a big crush on juniper so i did a messy doodle of them today while waiting 10000000yrs for my new laptop
I appreciate their antlers

deeply unsatisfied with how this one came out vs how it looked in my head but a guy ran past juniper to stab antler boy in combat last session so she knifed the guy as he ran past and i can't stop thinking about it
I know you are disappointed with it but I love the expression on her face
christmas was weird and i got crossfaded as hell to deal with it so I took some requests for shitty sticky note doodles of characters from memory. ended up being mostly OCs

whisper/oren and juniper/qisalor; whisper and juniper are mine, oren and qi belong to 2 other friends
did these with xmas gifts from my partner and coworker... coworker got me some very budget markers and some sticky notes for secret santa (they are perfect, it was like a $10 limit) and my partner got me some double-sided black brush pens
biblically accurate furby! chubby pikachu! the look on aigis's face! all this good oc art! good good good
pikachu and aigis were the ones i did while least sober and i think it's obvious JNGNSMGS

kalmiya and reeve bc im still on my shit and my partner and i wanted to draw together
kalmiya is fun to pose with people bc she can levitate at will so she can simply ignore gravity and so can her partners when they lift her LOL
gravity suddenly reasserts itself and they just fall in a heap
that CAN happen if kalmiya loses concentration on the spell that makes her float

a pandora for how i feel at most given moments nowadays
i forgot her wings. that's fine
it's the trade off for remembering mayhem's wings, which i almost always forget

more today... ingva (my first d&d character), then kalmiya/oleandra

i think i will try to hit all o fmy OC ships with these dumb doodles while i am on this kick.
well okay maybe just most of them i forgot how much kalmiya whores around multiversally BUT MOST OF THEM
(nts: kalmiya/raz, wish/rosie, wish/jake, vivianne/dirk ??? that's probably msot of them)

AU your own OC ships it's good for the soul
i have had a few drinkies for new year's so i took more shitpost-it requests on discord

a friend's fantasy irish OC screamign

kayla told me to draw a character in this shirt and another friend nominated my partner's stoner skate punk alien hive mind from monsterhearts

same friend's unicorn man OC and my barbarian mama OC gardening 2gether

pandora and a different pal's OC ripping a fat bong

an inaccurate artist's rendition of muffin hands pandora, her worst nightmare

kalmiya smoochin on one of my roomie's characters from a campaign where they r both just chilling as background characters

juniper/beau/aria sleepover (aria is beau's fairy rogue bestie)
i shoudl post these on bsky too.......... lster
these are all good, screaming one is a mood
ikr i just eeally feel the screams nowadays every day
did a bunch more of these bc we did a little art trend meme in the sketch jam server and i realized i could actually do requests for once if i just did messy little post-its for them

these were the prompts

beau/juniper, B1

wish/rosie, C2

juniper/qisalor, D4

kalmiya/sloane (an NPC from a short-term campaign i guested in), B4

desert weirdo AU kalmiya/reeve, C3
the last one was just a random request from my partner but it did happen to be one of the prompts LMFAO
i really miss doing more finished involved pieces but i just haven't had the energy... i cannot complain too much though, this is more consistent art output than i've had in maybe ever LMFAO
NSFW just slightly but. been playing a lil AU where kalmiya and reeve meet years prior to canon and i suddenly needed to draw it very badly
yes that was the prompt LOL
it was really hard tbh i don't want to do it again ☠️
I just immediately looked at the pictures instead of the prompts
actually also the only time i've ever done it. i never got into vocaloid redraws even when i was into vocaloid
you have now done your required magnet
I like your post it doodles they're cute
thank you

it is nice to do art consistently for once in my life tbh even if it is just small things

partner requested Kalmiya floating holding onto Reeve's shoulders so i did their classique pre-timeskip designs

kalmiya continues to get around. also Juniper Was Kalmiya, Actually

some doodles related to the Juniper = Kalmiya revelation that i forgot to post here

back to this chibi to refine kalmiya's design for the juniper campaign
thank you!! i've been calling her bajalmiya bc........ she's baja blast bluegreen MFSDLKMGKH
her thing in this campaign is that she is one of the fairy queen's elite special agents, who function as covert scouts/spies/assassins/whatever Titania needs them to do basically
and she was sent to investigate the cult rising around the Big Bad of the campaign to scope out how bad the situation is and help the party handle some of the cultist problem while she's out in the field

a skittles bag of kalmiyas
there are . 3 designs missing from this that i can think of off the top of my head but those involve redrawing the clothes entirely and i didn't have the foresight to make it easy on myself to do that when i was setting up the layers for this LMFAO
it's kalmiya so she can and will be tasted lbr
i love how her colours just change every sampaign
i like to think she has a closet full of all the different undersuits like "hmm which one today"
i totally thought i responded to this and didn't somehow but i do imagine it goes something like that for the multiversal hivemind Kalmiya prime that only exists in goofs
i originally did it as a way to just help my brain compartmentalize the two different campaigns when i put her in one besides dragons but. then it spiralled out of control NGNSNNGSG
brightstone Kalmiya has an owl familiar named Coconut and she's a good and perfect little borb who recently got a promotion from Kalmiya's patron for doing one of the most batshit insane "familiar has a bomb" maneuvers ever
Pandora has an owl familiar named Nimbus and he's a horrible fucking garbage goblin who bites and bites and bites
coconut is based on a northern saw-whet owl and nimbus is based on a eurasian eagle owl
so my normal-sized character has a tiny owl and my tiny character has a massive owl. contrasts
maiiau there were volatile magical crystals being kept inside some crates in a barn and kalmiya had coconut go in and deliver a touch spell onto the crystals in the form of a spider that could get into the tiny gaps of the crate
almost singlehandedly neutralizing 3 of the 4 (well, 2 of 3 but we didn't know one was on our side at the time) enemy combatants in that fight

redraw of a meme i found on a meme redraw pinterest board that's still cracking me up

and another meme redraw of the will smith classic with kalmiya and her boyfriend and girlfriend
oh that's a good use of sticky note
yes I felt very big brained

another meme redraw. pp fairies this time (called so bc both of their names start with P and it's funny)