Tillie: Yep. Rich people have the right to nearly enslave poor people. And they make sure to have people be scared of "socialism" so that people will not demand what everyone else have.
Yah and with Trump this will happen even more, as the GOP is pushing more help for the rich and kicks the poor, women, people of colour, disabled people, sick people, ...
Just try Great Britain; I hear their own Great Deportment of Immigrants (AKA Brexit) left them with lots of open positions. You won't even have to learn a completely new language; just get used to a different accent. Otherwise, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Finland Norway, and probably Spain would be good choices.
It could also be a good time to try those "teach English second language abroad" jobs, if only for four years. Although I hear more and more countries require a teaching diploma, sometimes experience, so it's not the free-for-all it once was.