I'm fine. incident reports were filed, ice is being applied, I am home and awake and eating ice cream
Ow ow ow ow
so far no signs of concussion but these things are like made out of fire extinguisher material-- so like. being extra careful
YEAH it's not great |D the thing is I'm very stubborn and just. walk off everything I'm physically able. so it's not that the pain is debilitating as much as it's worrisome I might not be able to detect every sign of concern
but I THINK I'm good. significant bump and just gonna be monitoring my symptoms every half hour
I'm sorry this is how you're meeting me
cardboardcastles lol lovely to have you on plurk )
LMAO it's nice to meet you too, though a helium tank to the head wasn't what I was expecting as a first hello!
YEAH lets NOT make this a trend haha
no blood, very big bump, but just a bump. my nurse!mom has told me to keep checking my pupils because they'll be the first sign for any issues
I am not a medical person by any stretch but a bump seems a bit more manageable than blood
agreed, it's only scary with internal stuff you can't see, but as long as the bump just goes down I should be fine
just man. not what I thought would happen today
Oh jeez!! Yeah keep a close eye on it!! How does that even happen?
I've used the ladder to reach things before but I wasn't anywhere near it this time. I think what happened is someone in the aisle next to me was loading their top shelf and it shoved everything over onto my side
but yeah I didn't even see it happen, I was just leaving the back stock aisle when it slammed into the back of my head from above. no warning
okay - if you feel up to it see about going to urgent care; since an incident report has been filed you’ll probably be covered under workman’s compensation
yup, we're keeping close eye on things. Brian is ready at a moments notice. Pain seems to be subsiding now at least
oh my god?? i hope youre okay, that is terrifying
thank you. back at work today but taking it oh so slow. I know when the body is bruised it takes like a day to REALLY feel it so I'm trying to just keep calm and anticipate it
dude you went back to work today???
yeah I. I thought I could handle it. I'm back home now

left at the first signs of overexertion and a dizzy spell
(my boss drives me, thank goodness, so don't worry i wasn't on the road or anything like that)