I'm ending the event juuuuust sort of collecting 300 HH certs soooo... just out here making my own dreams come true instead. & this outfit makes me so happy 😊
i love her fugue outfit...
the OG roach camping in field of flowers...
darkmorph: lmao i didn't realize it wouldn't cover the entire screen until i had to relog this morning oopsie
hilariously enough u can probably blow her up more and expand your assistant pic until she’s BIG ROACH and covers the screen
did u want to spark someone with 300?
u can maybe try to do the other annihilations if u want! u have strong units now so u maybe can!
i did try... i'm still gonna end at like 288 LMAOOOOOOOOO but i was tryna see if i could grab W's last pot
damn youre so close... depending on how bad u want it u can maybe drop some cash on OP for the last few. i wouldn’t make it a habit depending on budget but yeah when your that close then 🤔 BUT. pots are never super necessary just remember
yeah it's not that important to me tbh not enough to spend real $$$
i'm happy af with 2 dubs
your w is stronger than mine fr fr. tfw i might even steal her for some stages if i’m lazy
i got her module!!! ... and then proceeded to do all of the adverse levels without realizing i had to manually turn it on at squad select
i finally figured it out bc there was a guide to duo one level with just W and Virtuosa and i was like why the fuck isn't mine stunning things...?
i still havent gotten her module oh my god i procrastinate so bad on modules period. but yeah apparently hers and logos are REALLY GOOD. i don’t know if u need to max the modules but that one google sheet probably has more info
i mean tbh its probably really overkill on w but why not have her kill more. why tf not
if you need to do annihilations are you familiar with the guys who do low rarity squad guides
bc they save my life every DAY and their strats are usually moddable for who I actually have leveled if they're using different units
probabiliteej: I ammmm funny story apparently you can't name your squad teams after any of those youtubers
I tried to have a kyostinv squad so I could switch back and forth easily when I'm trying new content and apparently his name is banned lmao
IS IT REALLY i had no idea
i think my squad names are like. i have two and they're "help" and "girl HELP"
one of mine is literally an ESP pun on the phrase "dick king" and that flies!!
i hope help and girl help are the exact same except the second has wisadel
darkmorph: do you know how the FUCK I get these other levels for secret place
I put Amiya in 14-18 and 14-21... and all the rest she's actually a pretty solid healer ig
do I have to get a 3 star on the adverse versions too?
... i... do not know... i was thinking i have to look that up as well... i’ve been putting it off oh my god
i might look it up today i’ve been slacking so much on stuff
i'm so confused it says eg-6 is unlocked by using amiya in 14-18 and i did and it's still not there?
i havent unlocked that either COVERS FACE UHHH maybe ask the reddit or the official discord?!! i might try to look it up later if i do ill tell u but oh my god okay potentially i might be a huge casual i think youre already getting so much stronger compared to me
I'm gonna try one more thing after work and if it doesn't pan then I will. but if it does I'll let you know!!

I'm still casual AF I think
probabiliteej has blown us both outta the water lol
you need to 3-star a couple of the adverse H levels i know that
bc you need to 3 star the second one to unlock a recording
teej youre too strong. you need to be stopped. i don’t have a single logos. i mean its because i’m insane and going full lappy for 6 months but oh my god
ugh and i'm having such a hard time 3starring adverse 14-21
i am not sure about 14-18 bc i just unlocked it without realizing i had to do anything specific i'm sorry.... i have no clue what i did
someone was like yeah eg-6 is secret and i was like huh?? i just had it
i swear to god when i was at your guys’ levels i was like yeah i’m not even gonna do EX stages and u guys are looking at H stages. i seriously havent even done a single one thats the level of casual i am. i havent done a single one EVER
the H stages are a pain in the ASS too i do have to warn you. they're doable with a support wiš'adel. but kyo said the first one is bullshit and he's so right
okay maybe i did EX stages. i forgot. i cant remember shit. i am awful and casual though
i bounced between his strat and eckogen's making a couple of those clears happen...
darkmorph: the difference is you didn't get fucking nasty pervert walter out the gate LOL
i mean, thats, true, u guys have fuckin walter and logos HAHADHJTJKD ok why not steamroll through those stages i guess
it's literally like "yeah this REQUIRES s3 m3 wiš'adel with module so. find a support"
probabiliteej: do you have me added? i've got mine pretty leveled with module!
my logos though is still e1 sitting on straight up E ;;
darkmorph: the fun thing is you can't even use walter for one of them yay!!!
oh and can't use logo for the other too
tbh even with wiš'adel it's not much of a steamroll LMFJDJD i STRUGGLED. i think i finally got my 3 stars on the second H stage by borrowing a support projekt red and using her and texalter to pick off soul husks at the bottom lanes.
yeah she's def not the i win button people make her out to be ahhh
oh i have her! mine is uhh. um. looks at my hands. e2 level 90 pot6 s3 m3 module lvl3... i went in...
NICE yeah you have us both beat and i think we both started playing before you LOL
you are too strong. you need to be stopped !!!!!
i spend all my time instead just crying thru talulah lore apparently
my w is basically the weakest roach among us!!!! amongus
ahh yes youve reached talulah.. the biggest lesbian
it's so upsetting this is all so atrocious
her lil baby hand reaching out for her sister broke me i had to sleep at like 9PM last night bc i gave myself a migraine
nobody in arknights is allowed to be happy stg
oh and if they try? god FORBID they TRY
just go out flaming and try to burn the world down alive. talulah has the right idea (unless...?
i'm in such a weird place where i know how everything ends i also know how it begins i know where it goes but there's still so much more i'm wondering about ;;
crownslayer had that whole speech in lapp event about how talulah switched up on her
i do need to be stopped this is correct. i tried to get all the babel medals starting with an account at like. level 30 or under...
i seriously cannot believe your power. youre gonna know more lore than me in like two months or less i bet. then u can crit me for being bad at knowing canon and kick me out the game
probabiliteej: ahhhh thats too heroic... once i got all the store items i tapped lmao
the only thing i'm missing when babel reruns is like, clearing two of the final stages
stop i’m getting scared of the two of you i’m getting out of this canon
noooo i'm tryna catch up to you guys!!
also i got the cutest un for wish if i ever do actually finish & play her ;;
i got dubia get it like dubya
but also all the other meanings
i thought i was tooooooo clever :B
i will tag w... 👁️👁️ but tfw i guess i’m sitting on the literal wisadel u/n like a bastard... u can still have it too if u want
i started playing og w before alter dropped so i'm probably just keeping that un... it's sarkazm
wait damn u guys have such good u/ns
darkmorph: nooo that's yours for terrorizing the bunnies!!
ahhh that's such a good one!!!

darkmorph that was it... i needed to 3 star adverse 14-21 and it unlocked eeeverything. none of the guides were working at all so i just borrowed someone's surtr and sat her ass inside the shields
sometimes the answer is just surtr
idk what she did and she died twice doing it but she did it anyway!!
oh yeah surtr is... she sure is surtr. i love how she just refuses to die lmao
no no she died twice but she came back just in time
ONE MORE STAGE LEFT and i'll have finally completed all of an event ;;

bitch i train MYSELF