This day will not end. I dropped my aunt off at Logan air port, turned around, drive to my dentist, soon as I get in the chair for my cracked crown, my boss calls in a panic asking me for help with a PowerPoint and is alarmed that I’m not logged in. It’s Veterans Day, I thought I had off. NOPE
Literally my dentist popped my crown off and very generously let me pop into her office so I could convert a few PDFs for my boss. I got it done in 20 minutes while crying that I was gonna lose my job
I am numb on one side trying to do a zoom call while drooling
Very attractive lemme tell you
And national grid shut our power off because my new neighbors mistakenly put it in their name. I go to email to correct and the power company tells me “contact your landlord”
wow you are just not catching any breaks
I hope you can get some time to relax, soon
Please let allison rest...
oh no

at least my aunt remembered how much my Wiccan mom loves to read and was super worried about her eternal soul so we now have a book to indulge in. Thanks auntie
at least the cover art is charmingly retro?
fucking insane, this is an absurd amount of stuff to be dealing with
(Removed some info so I didn’t dox anyone)
"I understand [your mom] doesn't want me to contact her ever again and told me in absolutely clear language to frick off forever. Anyway that's just how she is rofl we'll be fine soon"
the sheer effort put into recontextualizing everything so it matches what she wants to think
wow fuck all the way off Dottie
jesus, maybe file a restraining order? >.<
yeah I have been spectating and this is absolutely into protective order territory at this point unless you're concerned about police response time
Yeah, this woman is dangerous
I mean she got one thing right... she definitely lives on a different planet than anyone else...
Weirdly enough my mom's breaking point was the way she tried to hit on Sergio in front of us and made HIM super uncomfortable.
So I guess it looks different from the outside when it's not family??
jesus fucking christ on a crutch
you do live on different planets. earth and pluto
oh wait pluto's not a planet
I've got all next week off because I thought we were doing a NY trip thing so I'mma just pick a day and go hang out by the ocean or fuck off into the woods
that sounds like an EXCELLENT idea
keytone8 dwarf planets are still planets and no one will ever convince me otherwise!!)
good! Take at least one whole day just for you