chiefhigh says
15 years ago
I am so confused? I think the new t61 doesn't work properly in my browser! Anyone else having troubles today?
latest #53
dillydally says
15 years ago
what is this t61 you speak of?
O... says
15 years ago
Hey Chief. I think that we all thought it was a problem and then found out we all have the same problem: this new radio sucks!!!
chiefhigh says
15 years ago
f61 I think...!!! sory
chiefhigh says
15 years ago
I really can't find anything and when I do find it doesn't work
dillydally says
15 years ago
I hope no-one in your group will be offended chief, but I may actually apply to join despite not being a parent
dillydally says
15 years ago
I'm effectively groupless so have nowehere on the site to discuss anything
15 years ago
and I'd like to at least be some part of the discussions somewhere, plus you guys are pretty active and totally cool anyways
15 years ago
so I'm gonna see what the group view is on that (me joining without being a parent that is)
chiefhigh says
15 years ago
Sally ...Your level of wisdom and your positive attitude more than qualify you to be a parent!
O... says
15 years ago
B-) I agree with the F word, chief :-)
chiefhigh says
15 years ago
and your vocabulary is perfectly suited to talking to little children ... lol !!
chiefhigh says
15 years ago
sorry ...I love your little word wiggles!
15 years ago
it's coz I'm not much more than one of those myself chief :-D
chiefhigh says
15 years ago
chiefhigh says
15 years ago
I can't even find our group on the new page??? booo hooo
15 years ago
can I play too?
dillydally says
15 years ago
it's under "channels" I think chief
15 years ago
where is it?
15 years ago
yep karlksi, you're a parent aren't you?
15 years ago
under "explore" and then "channels"
15 years ago
easier in the old view :-P
15 years ago
i'm confused
15 years ago
i lost me children
15 years ago
under a pop up or summat
15 years ago
hidden under a nice floating window
15 years ago
15 years ago
chiefhigh says
15 years ago
I'm a software engineer
chiefhigh says
15 years ago
when we make changes we have to inform and train endusers before we go public
chiefhigh says
15 years ago
there is no change management on this site
chiefhigh says
15 years ago
i'd get fired if I did this at my work!!
O... says
15 years ago
yep. nope, I mean, there's not
O... says
15 years ago
Wow. A software engineer... :-)
15 years ago
it was
15 years ago
"privately tested" (eyerolll)
chiefhigh says
15 years ago
Hi SS Thx I don't make it to Plurk too much anymore.
chiefhigh says
15 years ago
sally What browser do you use?
15 years ago
chrome and FF at the moment
15 years ago
got the new site in chrome and the old one in FF
lisanevada says
15 years ago
the t61 blog has some (not much) info -
chiefhigh says
15 years ago
thx I'm gonna switch ... I use IE cause of work
lisanevada says
15 years ago
I have the new site in ff - old site would not open.
15 years ago
I have both open in separate browsers, just so I can respond to people's messages
yardbird says
15 years ago
It took me a few minutes to open the new site in ff, and navigation is slow. Prolly because my anti-virus is scanning all those images.
dillydally says
15 years ago
it's slow beyond usability for me
dillydally says
15 years ago
lemme rephrase that....
15 years ago
it's beyond usability for me :-D
15 years ago
it' easier to find new music elsewhere, easier to listen to music elsewhere, easier to talk to people elsewhere...>
15 years ago
there's prettier pictures elsewhere
15 years ago
guess I'm trying to figure out why I'm staring at a roadsign on my screen
15 years ago
Heh. I work with software too. We sneak in our upgrades and try to make them as unobtrusive as possible.
15 years ago
(LOL) Yepp, I'm a software engineer and tester too. We'd be shot for this mess!!!
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