Sigyn Silica
4 months ago
things that happened today
- kid got rescued coming down a slide and then went down the slide again without needing to be rescued and looked So Proud of himself
- somebody pooped in the pool and my coworker Owen said he'd also poop in the pool if it meant they close the pool for the day. big -_- face to Owen
latest #43
Sigyn Silica
4 months ago
- I was standing in the kitchen and I said Sweet Caroline and Brian-Kun across the house said Womp Womp Womp
- got to say hi to my friend bc I picked Brian-Kun up from work and she was aiding and abetting him in working and she told me she has a paper due in thirty minutes that she hasn't started yet and I said That Is So Relatable
Sigyn Silica
4 months ago
she's a journalist though, she's got that in the bag
Sigyn Silica
4 months ago
- I made soup for dinner so I'll have soup for lunch
- laid down on my tummy on the floor and My niece came over and laid down in front of me and pushed her forehead up against mine so I said "Is this not better? Is this not your natural state?" bc not too long ago laying on her tummy was all she did so she said "yeah. Little rest. Eden take a nap. Cozy?"
Sigyn Silica
4 months ago
Heck yeah I was cozy T-T
Sigyn Silica
4 months ago
- I was playing TBOI with this new character called Judas that I just unlocked and he's pretty cool and beat the boss rush room with him and also M/m's Heart but then my computer c r a s h e d and I don't even know if it saved my progress with Judas bc Steam needs Brian-Kun to log into his Steam account to make sure I still have access to the game
Sigyn Silica
4 months ago
bc I mooched it off of him but now I don't know if my run saved!! it was the same run!!! that I beat both the boss room and M/m's Heart!!!!! and if it didn't save that means I have to start a l l o v e r
Sigyn Silica
4 months ago
with Judas at least
Sigyn Silica
4 months ago
not smth that happened today but the Niece Thing reminded me of this
back on Ventrnatr when I was dressed up as Loki I mentioned to Barium that Racket might give me a log for a Thanksgiving present from the tree that fell on our p@r3nt's roof and then I would burn it for Yule
Sigyn Silica
4 months ago
Barium thought I said "Burn it for you" so she said "for me???"
and I said no for y u l e
which sounds you like "you all" if you say it in my accent so she said "for a l l of us?"
She actually pulled the "for you, for all of us" while I was dressed as Loki and she didn't even understand why that triggered the fandom flashbacks
Sigyn Silica
4 months ago
she doesn't even like Marvel
she'll never understand
Sigyn Silica
4 months ago
for real though Racket might give me a log from the tree that broke my p@r3nt's roof
I would take it back with me in my suitcase and burn it in our home
Texan Oak
That'd be amazing symbolism
4 months ago
Your niece is still the sweetest!
Also we love an accidental fandom moment!!
Sigyn Silica
4 months ago
Have you seen the Marvel movies Lake?
4 months ago
Some of them! not nearly enough,and I also don't remember a lot :-( I should give it another to,it's been years!
4 months ago
another go*
Sigyn Silica
4 months ago
Only if you feel like it, I've been operating under the assumption that you haven't seen them and that's totally fine too
4 months ago
What order should I go in,if you'd like to make a list for me?
Sigyn Silica
4 months ago
okay do you want to watch them for their sake or for my sake? bc that will change the order I recommend them
4 months ago
your sake!! I'm mostly watching it because getting into things for friends is my love language
Sigyn Silica
4 months ago
aw 🥺 I do appreciate
Sigyn Silica
4 months ago
So you wanna always start with Iron Man 1
Then Iron Man 2
Thor 1
Captain America: The First Avenger
you can skip Hulk, I haven't seen it so it doesn't matter. if you basically know the idea of the Hulk all you need to know is that this Government Guy named Thaddeus Ross tries to kill the Hulk in that movie
Sigyn Silica
4 months ago
Then you watch Avengers 1 also known as Avengers Assemble
then you'll be done with phase one
that's the first big chunk right there
4 months ago
I'm noting it!! thank you!
Sigyn Silica
4 months ago
at that point you'll be able to understand most of my fanfictions
Disclaimer right now I will not ask you to read those. If you want to, I do have recommendations but if you do not want to I am entirely indifferent as to whether you do or not. I am completely content if you just listen to me ramble about my writing, feel free to never read it.
Sigyn Silica
4 months ago
There's a lot of it and I'm the only person on the face of this planet who has actually read all of it
Sigyn Silica
4 months ago
anyway after phase one you watch Iron Man 3
then Thor: Dark World
Captain America: Winter Soldier
Ant Man
Avengers Age Of Ultron (Not because it's worth watching but because a) Thor's in it and b) the way the Avengers' dynamic as a whole is in Civil War makes no sense without the context of Wanda Messing With Everyone's Brains and that happens in AoU)
Sigyn Silica
4 months ago
Then Civil War not because the team dynamic makes any sense but because of Bucky
exclusively Bucky he's the only redeeming factor in that train wreck of a movie but goodness he is a redeeming factor
Sigyn Silica
4 months ago
and that's pretty much Phase Two
Sigyn Silica
4 months ago
Then there's Spiderman Homecoming? everyone loves that one but I don't
you might like it, so I will recommend it but I think it is simply Meh
Spiderman isn't my thing and Tony Stark pretends to be a f@th3r figure in that one and we all know I don't vibe well with that but Spiderman is a fan favorite
4 months ago
thank you!!! and I think I will read your works when I'm done!
4 months ago
and I do think I will like the Spiderman movies actually!
Sigyn Silica
4 months ago
then Thor: Ragnarok (that one was my favorite movie for a l o n g time)
Black Panther
and if you get that far you can watch Guardians 1 and 2 before Infinity War
and then Captain Marvel
and then Endgame
I have major beef with all three of those last ones and after that the only one I would Actually Recommend is Black Widow
Sigyn Silica
4 months ago
OOPS I forgot, at the same time as Guardians of the Galaxy, shove in Dr. Strange as well
but you know he's an important character
Sigyn Silica
4 months ago
If you do turn out liking Spiderman Homecoming, Spider Far From Home and Spiderman: No Way Home will probably be your cup of tea as well
Sigyn Silica
4 months ago
and while I would not say it is a movie I like, Thor: Love and Thunder has a beautiful characterization of Thor so I do consider it canon up until the last scene which I duly hate
Sigyn Silica
4 months ago
and I will want you now: my thoughts on the MCU can be summed up with the phrase "I said I liked them. I didn't say they were good"
bc for the most part the writing sucks and the characters are butchered and the sfx are sad and the plots don't make sense
I like the MCU for what it could be
not what it is
Sigyn Silica
4 months ago
oh and if you turn out liking Bucky, Falcon and the Winter Soldier is Kinda Good?
if you turn out like Loki, Loki show Absolutely Sucks
like it's The Worst
you can watch it
but like
if you get what I mean
Sigyn Silica
4 months ago
if you want Actually Good Marvel Content,
Stop at the end of Phase One
watch the Spiderverse Movies
Read the comics
that's it that's the good quality stuff
4 months ago
don't worry,I absolutely understand the "for what it could be" thing! it's very close to your heart but Dang they could've done better
Sigyn Silica
4 months ago
XD yes that's exactly it
Lee and I used to say all the time that fanfiction writers write better stories than the MCU all the time
4 months ago
That's very funny actually XD
Sigyn Silica
4 months ago
it is yes XD we can be pretty talented ngl
4 months ago
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