Becca Stareyes
4 months ago
Ilphyl is single-handedly convincing most of Flotsam that druids are pretty damn weird.
Becca Stareyes
4 months ago
'Oh, we're scouting for large sea creatures. I can pick something with good hearing, but I don't want to capsize the boat. Oh, well, time to throw up a protection spell, jump in freezing water and swim clear.'
Becca Stareyes
4 months ago
(If Ilphyl can stand 6 seconds in the water without protection before wild-shaping, they can recast the spell on Donnie. Or they can wait until Donnie comes out of the water.)
Becca Stareyes
4 months ago
I mean, Link is still the most feral member of the Crimson Corsairs, but Link sets a hgih bar.
Becca Stareyes
4 months ago
ON second thought, maintaining the spell is probably necessary for Ilphyl to get out of the water, short of beaching themselves.
Blue Emus
4 months ago
...ngl my first thought in response to this
was ‘Link sees nothing weird about any of this’ XD