To start: I'm determined to be overall hopeful, so I really don't want doom speech in replies, thx. That SAID the thing that's really hitting me the most is the vilification of trans people that happened in the lead up to this election.
It hurts. It's a sick twisted feeling in my gut that isn't going away no matter how much I focus on something else. It's knowing others who weren't before have been made afraid of people like me.
Anyway, I've not given up on the US yet, but if I had the energy to find a job elsewhere I think I would give up on TX at this point. And I feel so bad for saying that
I can still be there for my other trans friends here though. I'm just worried for them and for me. Just existing here is continuing to get more worrisome.
Trolls don't come into my own Plurk and try and gaslight me when over the summer my local friends lost the ability to change their gender markers on their IDs and passports. When there were transphobic campaign ads, when TX is now at 3 drs they've gone after for treating minors with the 'evidence' being that they spoke out against the ban on social media.
I had no clue it was a rando. I forgot your plurk is public, so I thought it was someone you cared about that was just... I don't know, missing something obvious. Or maybe I was? I dunno
I'm not used to trolls showing up in my stuff at all since even public my posts don't tend to get much reach. So like this was prolly someone on a burner account(it also had 0 posts), searching certain lines to then ask 'innocent' questions in response to or smth.