If you're like me whose typing is at odds with my brain, end up with a lot of typos or just odd turns of phrase because your brain suddenly made a wrong turn somewhere and you didn't notice that the first part of the sentence headed in a different way than its ending....
Yeah, the "edit plurk replies" feature available via the plurk coin is reason enough.
I don't buy them for the features, even though that is a nice perk. I buy Plurk coins to support Plurk and help keep it running. This is my safe space and I want it to stay that way.
1) The cost of coins to support a program that I appreciate isn't bad at all. 2) Plurk gives me a safe space. 3) Plurk ads blend in...I've clicked one by accident more than once. With a coin, I can turn the ads off. 4) While I wouldn't pay just for the emote features, they are nice to have.