4 months ago
I am a vessel of countless memories.
some are good, some are sad, very sad, in fact.
so sad that almost make this vessel not worthy enough to keep.
want to break it, to get rid of it. maybe when it's split wide open and all the memories spilled out, I'll finally stop feeling bad.
Hey Man BOT
4 months ago
4 months ago
but there are good ones, too. moments of happiness, love and joy.
and if the vessel got broken, they will spill out as well. along with all the bad ones.
flow out, drift out, into the vast space of the universe...never be seen, never be remembered again.
4 months ago
I like the good memories.
they glows in a soft, comforting light. not a whole lot bright, but they do glow.
and they are mine.
only mine and no one else's.
and probably the most unique, too.

so I'll hold on to them, I shall be the keeper of these memories.
keeper of the soft and comforting fireflies.
yes, I will prevail. as long as I can.