y'all the last like 24 hours has been very good to me
treated when I woke up to a lovely
mine's still a ralts but
I found them as a kirlia, but still!
go figure they have the worst possible options for a sleep team healer.

ingredient finding talents and a negative skill chance nature
I think I have you on pocket
I think all of the shiniest I've found have been pretty bad for their respective speciality actually. such is life!
ohai I just got the tcg pocket thing 👀


I can't escape this stupid exeggutor
GIVE ONE TO MEEEEE (eventually, I think they’re adding trading sometime in the future)
I will trade my spare exeggutors to everyone
Flairs are more expensive for rarer pokemon too!
got the wonder pick!! that's so satisfying
and got some really nice pulls from a 10 pull, including that silly ghost
Nice!!! Those are great pulls
got both Articuno EX's in the same 10 pull, and another Dragonite so honestly that was wild
(already had 1 Dragonite but 4 decent rarity cards in one 10 pack is lovely!)
oh yeah! I was able to get one of your exeggutors during wonderpull
when trade opens up I'll be practically giving them away!

please end me I have FIVE of them and like none of the ex's I want
Starmie is still pretty good!!!
Starmie is good, but god the Exeggutors just keep coming!
I swear coin tosses in this game hate me
I hit like 1 head out of 6-9 flips very easily

oh hello sir!!!!
funny I got the immersive Charizard before the EX, and I only have one of the regular.
I really live the immersive cars sooo much, they're so cool.
i have one, too!! :3 though mine is now a golduck
I think I found a shiny golduck before
but never got the psyduck