no despair, just fucking irritated as shit
but again, here's another election year and here's me wishing the democratic party take a long, hard look at itself and understand what they are doing
but also, while i did vote for kamala harris, i hope democrats realize that some of us are pretty fucking serious about what is happening with DRC, sudan, and palestine
but some good things: colorado has kept marriage equality intact as well as abortion
so those are in our state constituion
so i can pursue IVF without issue here
but now i'm heavily considering looking at mexico's dual citizenship and see if i'm applicable for it since my great grandmother was from nuevo leon
though, i really hope the people who voted third party because of what's happening to palestine understand eventually that this will be worse for the palestinians
i would LOVE to vote for a third party canidate but too much was on the line this year and i am sure as hell not voting for jill fucking stein
i don't regret voting for kamala harris
but yeah, i digress, i have so many thoughts. i'm tired, angry, and just fucking done. i'm not leaving colorado, that's for damn sure
my paycheck comes later tonight, so i'll be donating to a few people inside gaza. that's where my head is at... one woman i talked to had a c section without any anesthesia. her son is sick, she needs help with medication
i've been trying to donate to some families regularly out there so i'll continue with that
i've got my health benefits up for next year, signed up for FSA and HSA. it's gonna cost a pretty penny, but i'll have money for the first stages of IVF