4 months ago
Miss CeejayWriter, my walnut tree didn't walnut this year. What gives?
latest #7
Ceejay Writer
4 months ago
I dunno? I've never had walnut trees. Start hitting the search engines!
4 months ago
Sorry, I thought you had discussed walnut trees at one point. Thanks!
Ceejay Writer
4 months ago
No prob!
Stereo Nacht
4 months ago
Maybe they were stolen by squirrels? Also, we had some weird temps last winter and this summer. It is possible the right pollinators (if walnuts happen from pollinators) weren't active when your tree was ready. Was there another walnut tree nearby that got cut? Some trees will have fruits only when a second specimen is close enough.
Stereo Nacht
4 months ago
But here is the most probable cause, from here:Walnut tree not producing nuts: Causes and how to fi...
Stereo Nacht
4 months ago
Walnut trees are biennial bearing, much like mangos, apricots and avocado. This means that if they have used their available energy and nutrients to make nuts one year, they focus on flower production the next year. There won’t necessarily be no walnuts harvested during the blossoming years, but there will be fewer.
3 months ago
Thanks! I suspected it might be something like that. The squirrels couldn't have stolen them, because they were pretty darn obvious the other time.
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