godzilla and ratio are fighting. again.
and people are getting involved
it's turning into another clusterfuck and i'm dying
I'm so tired but also so glad
I was going to do kagas top level today at work
That went out the window fast
how many people are involved??
and then the random text from jamie which is hilarious
Dan Heng is staying out of this but there probably was a random small noodle scream back at the Godzilla roar. goodness
well not staying out of this he will defend the kids if it comes to that but I refuse to make that thread any more insane
elan agrees with ratio but he can't help sorry he would only make things worse
or he /can/ help, if he shows up talks shit and makes godzilla chase him instead
even if ratio is sort of ehhh on elan he doesn't want elan to face godzilla's wrath
even if he's scared as fuck
mood tbh elan is also uneasy around goji
for lucy's sake he is gonna keep his truce and stay uninvolved
ratio had front seat to watching goji murderously rampage through the village, squish a vampire's head in his mouth and then had goji whip around on him and promise him death if he attempted to command goji one more time
ratio is just a civilian scholar!!!
set holding a kid like "hey ratio????? you need help?"
what can you expect from him????
ratio specifically didn't call for set or tezca because he thought they wouldn't care about the kids, given their general views about humanity
4 months ago @Edit 4 months ago
ratio had no idea set had a soft spot for kids

now he can see............
set thinks children are proof of love.
then he must be upset by the ones who aren't made from love
When I get done with work looks like laios is getting invited to the party
he is DEEPLY upset by the ones who are not made from love (yikes) but doesnt blame them at all <3
looks away at this clusterfuck
thats what im choosing to take away from this.
got lots of bonus points too
more surgeries and weapons for goji
Lucy can crash her hover car and get another one \o/