latest #41
i am feeling emotional
woke up early (on time... with the time change i guess...) to do some taggies before i head out on a small road trip to visit my mom for a week
ok i must head out but i will hit the love meme for real when i have time
seeing John Wick on the BIG SCREEN with my fam tonight im excited
OK i also threw a final plot engagement request at the mods, fingers crossed!! im excited for endgame... I'm sure I'll cry when we get there but right now it feels like this is such a great opportunity to ramp everything up before wrapping up.
i have a few ciri tags left (and gotta tag into Cid starter, thanks for writing that up, Sra!) and a few Red. I think I'll keep him around for now... but I will frankly be focusing mostly on Ciri so if things get busy in the next couple of months, I'll reconsider
I have back to back meetings most of the day today, I MUST go to the gym I couldn't get to it yesterday, and I plan to do tags (and the love meme augh I'm so late) without looking at the rest of the internet
I'm glad it's nice and quiet here and I told my mom I don't want to watch the election bullshit when we know no answers are coming tonight. tbh we're probably just gonna watch Bulgarian game shows like we did last night and she's making one of my favorite foods so
I never would've visited around election season if my dad was still living here 🙃
Anyway. Lol. I hope I can get to my inbox today I'm so eager for my GOOD GOOD TAGS
Also I started playing Dredge
court 🐸
4 months ago
dredge!! it's so good
I am. Very bad at it so far. LOL
But I caught some Normal fish.... I've only played maybe two hours
I was really lying to myself thinking I could tag huh
I'm at the gym thinking about how I really need to fix my eating habits lately because my performance has been terrible BUT ALSO I WANT TO CHUG SOME WINE LIKE RIGHT NOW LMAO
I'm so mad that the gym is playing CNN on the TV why can't we have peace in the sacred place of zoning out to music
Also I hate how dark it is
I'm ruining my perfectly good tag plurk
ok I'm taking it easy playing more Dredge tonight and taking some melatonin lol. but I don't want to give up on this plurk because I think the pics I picked are really cute
discontinued disarmingly methinks some cute family stuff is in order soon
4 months ago
yes! im honestly kind of really slow atm but i think dec i should have more time...will try to get my stuff in order so im not so behind!!
that's ok!! I know you have a busy month. just looking forward to stuff
sorry i've been in a fugue state for a week lol
inbox zero.......
there are some other things i wanted to do but i'm going to count this as a win and tackle them later
𝔥𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔯𝔢𝔰𝔰 🗡️
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago


- catch up on my very sad, very old tags
- drop red officially
- see if I should tag that network post even though I'm so late it's cringe
- post to ac
OK. WE'RE BACK, BABEY. arcane fixed my depression
actually i do feel really inspired and excited to do creative things and write and think about characters i hope i can hold onto this energy throughout the workweek ;;;
OK IM ALL CAUGHT UP it really wasn't many tags i just. haven't been able to do anything for weeks ughhhhh
ok i gotta get some errands done and then. perhaps i will hit that network post hmm
i feel like i've lost all momentum with ciri. this month has been such a drag for everyone i know ;;;
i am excited for new plot things to kickoff endgame. i should check out the tdm... too...
Ok I looked at the network post AT LONG LAST and tbh I think Ciri would stay out of it lol

Just turns the mind network off after the tldr you guys suck (she'll probably bother Istredd privately after)
Really ready for this month to be over
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