(Broadway Backwards, in case you're not familiar, is another one of the very cool things that Equity Fights AIDS does, along with MisCast etc etc, only this one is like, "take a song, base a short around it". This one is about a Deaf student with an [incredibly] ableist, homophobic family, and uses the song Listen from the Dreamgirls adaptation). So TW,
it's definitely a punch in the gut, however John McGinty's MC is spectacular, and Jordan Fisher is ...Jordan Fisher?? and plays the boyfriend and also singterpretor wonderfully (and also sassily continues signing to the mom while she's a huge bigot -- oh, also some, at least I thought, implied racism)
I could not at ALL tell if this was supposed to be the modern day, and I think that might be intentional, but it's interesting with the way she talks around her son's "afflictions" and also trails off when referring to Jordan's character, to try to figure out from the clothes and the bearing if they're supposed to be in like, the 50s or the 70s or now
and how awful it is that you can kind of imagine it being any of them (also, it COULD be any of them, because we know it's set at Gallaudet, which has been open since literally the Civil War)
(anyway, tagging in my usual suspects for Broadway and/or ASL: stickyhologramscrabgirlAdivaCalandiahistoreingripyfish possibly of interest to zandroid ? like I said, be prepared for it to be An Issue Piece but damn, some good acting, signing and singing for 9 minute songficscene.)
(also possibly muttonchops ? idk, if i left anyone out who's interested, it's more because my brain isn't working and i'm not thinking of some broadway or ASL related thing you're into, bc you know me and sharing: it's the best)
(I'm gonna throw a few other random things that I discovered or rediscovered on this linkfest in here. I know Jekyll and Hyde isn't everyone's favorite, but this is one of the most INSANELY GOOD "Confrontation"s I've ever heard. If you don't watch it you'd swear it was two people performing:Confrontation from Jekyll & Hyde brilliantly perform...
Caletara: sort of? The last ....four? Three? Five? days have been SO bad (lots of things going wrong, emotionally just dead) and I’m sick today to top it off but I think I’m actually at least mentally completely done with not being able to be around