[SILENT HILL] roomies and I are officially starting the remake, so we'll see how my badbrain responds. Based on how much every other SH person I know has been loving it, I'm tentatively hopeful.
Maybe I'll even get inspired to keep working on my fic edits. That would be nice.
I hope it’s at least inoffensive!!! And that you have a good time with your roomies
I've been so pathologically avoidant of pretty much every silent hill release since downpour that I'm aware this is effectively more of a "me problem" than it is bloober or konami's
I hope you enjoy it, because it's completely re-energized my love of the series
If nothing else, it's beautiful visually.
kamex: I'm reassured by the fact that pretty much every single other fan that I know has been EXTREMELY in love with it
I'm just so used to basically going into a bunker whenever SH news drops lmfao
so far my only complaint is that James sounds too normal which all things considered is NOT the worst it could be lmao
after the bs with ascension I can't blame you, it left me wary as hell
I’m really enjoying it personally
Combat is a bit harder but I’m managing
yeah the combat was surprising. it doesn't feel like you're playing an action star or anything, but it's much more of a focus than the original
so far it's quite good
I'm currently gunning for one of the new endings (there are two!) and from what I've heard they're entirely faithful to the story
yeah and HONESTLY my biggest concern more than literally anything else was that they'd get cute with making changes to the story
they've cut down on the campy dialogue in favor of a more serious tone but that's about it, story-wise
sobs i love the campy dialogue so much so i am mourning that
ngl I miss it too but I like how they handled it
it mostly only bothers me with James because him being weapons-grade level of awkward goofus is so important to me
oh he's still awkward. you'll see
the voices are INFINITELY better than the HD collection though so I'll take that as a win
he has a line with eddie that made me go "james WHY"
Oh James is a certifiable goober still
Oh man I know that feeling of being SO into something that the idea of anything new about it makes you go “oh no”