AC ready and waiting for post
AC submitted
AC submitted!
Lark like
your regularly scheduled Danii will return after Tuesday. we're staying up to vote at six am and then pass out for Tuesday night so as not to spend the whole night stressed out.
That's a brilliant idea. If I hadn't already voted by mail I'd be tempted to do that.
I filled my ballot out tonight, but I'm dropping it off at our polling place tomorrow
... I might do it first thing, b/c I don't know that I'm going to be able to sleep
I wish I could sleep through it. I'm sure I'm going to wake up several times overnight to check my phone.
nammah he's so concerned for Sokie!
she was so vulnerable and she hates it so much
turns out you got another rabid raccoon in your midst John
And I passed the link to Mani for when they're up
Sephchama we'll have to figure out how to do it ICly
Yessss. Lol. For all of it.
lastvoyages heyo! looks like Florian's username is incorrect on the TAKEN and CONTACT pages; it's a_titanum (no i, it's the scientific name for a corpseflower)
fair warning I've felt kinda queasy all morning so might try and nap after work to get things up
Hoping you're feeling better by now.
nammah John does not understand why someone wouldn't want to kiss Sokie?
It's wild! And hard to explain
So she's getting poetic on him instead
"just let me do actions I don't wish to discuss things because I know you run circles around me in terms of words"
sorry your inmate's being such a shit florian
if it makes you feel better he's not really sure why he stopped trusting him
it's because he doesn't know if Florian's loyalties changed when he became a vampire because he literally changed species so does he think of himself as human?? what does that mean for Chiss who are similarly invaded by this parasitic monster?? everything is off-balance since when can people change SPECIES make it stop
that's... kinda hilarious
the idea that species isn't always inherent has shaken everything
He has some very strongly held Beliefs and when you knock one out it messes with him!
I can't remember if we talked about doing something for the port, and I literally just got to it in the last 2 days... are you still up for something if so, though?
Thrawn who only monologues about art and war: great. words. :|
thrawn internally: this is why I never became a politician I hate this shit
also your 'logic' is shitty and based in emotional responses you don't want to acknowledge.
"okay maybe I have biases because Chiss are the BEST but also wtf"
"...apparently not the best at words since your whole society didn't fix you and I'm gonna so
"i'm gonna act the hell out of this"
I should like to see this thread pls
"bro I just wanted my gym back
oh this is interesting /chin hands
I find Florians saying he's a subspecies of human particularly fascinating for Sokie at least, since...she would agree with the sentiment
but also Thrawn. just Thrawn.
it's not fun for someone who cares about you and respects you
(and it hits a button for Florian that someone decides how they feel about him because of WHAT he is and not who he chooses to be)
and he's a little floored that Thrawn has read his file and doesn't know that.
He's not getting straight answers from most people in regards to what vampirism can do to someone so he's like "okay how do I know you even care or respect me if you're not exactly YOU anymore"
Hanna rolling his eyes like you never asked me, dude and I work with vampires.
He was shitty about the change but he's worse because Florian chose to keep it too I think
BBitsaboi: shhhush he was told each vampire is different so you're not even in the same league buddy
"Florian why can't you just stay the same species until I graduate so I don't have to worry about turning into a vampire myself pls"
Thrawn filled with vampire anxieties
what ever Thrawn. he's irritated at you anyways. Stop being right.
Armand there from the world of the same vampires, and also a terrible person to ask
"You could have ASKED me about my reasons or thoughts on it but nooooo'
"or, you know, GO BY MY BEHAVIOR, asshole'
fff ow sorry this thread is killing me SORRY
Quick question: are there other beats/conversation you want to hit post puppy cuddle in that scene? Because Sweeney's ready to just chill otherwise
floofdoodle: nope, I'm good with them just chilling out
Awesome. I'll wrap up a bow then
metonumia any particular truth you want from John?
Nope, I'm down for whatever!
so I finally, very belatedly, hit both John and Saga last night XD
justghosts just checking in! was Lark autopilot or coma'd?
Vincent is not truly alive or loud unless he can be an asshole to you, Lark
justghosts also do you want me to prep a file for you?
It has given Arthur and Sheehan a MYSTERY
the Mystery of why is their soulmate so fucking SAD and SPICY about it!