Good news and bad news I suppose.
latest #12
Good news: I was able to get insurance finally and it's a no cost one? Which is pretty good
Bad news: Lol the reason why I'm getting this is because I'm at poverty income salary for the year
Idk if Id consider myself poverty necessarily because I do have things not maybe not others who are considered poverty don't.. But I've definitely been struggling a lot with jobs and money rofl
But you know what... Fine. I'll take the no cost premium for insurance at least
They're probably not wrong rofl. I'll take what I can get at this point. Beggars can't be choosers as they say
insurance is good to have
I've been on MinnesotaCare before, it's definitely good to get if available
honestly, take advantage while you can and do check ups and cleanings and all that done now before it's gone
+1 to that; definitely get your health sorted while it's super cheap!
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