stomach issues (normal but annoying) destroyed me last night and this morning. still kinda drained. should tags and stuff tomorrow
latest #12
...oh. my bathroom sink is leaking u.u
had to leave a message with emergency maintenance line :|
but at least turning off the water to it has stopped it
no response from emergency maintenance :||
okay i called agan and they called back like right away so idk
okay, guy stopped by in part cause he was in the same building as me and hoped it would be a quick fix
apparently this isn't an emergency???
but its not a quick fix so they'll have to come back tomorrow
went home sick this morning and worked from home afternoon, guess glad i did cause now i can work from home till they get in
guy said id be int he morning but also to put in a request on the website so...idk
must remember to go to kitchen every time i need to wash my hands and that sucks
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