Vincent Valentine: Sort of at a place of acceptance of his place as a survivor. Still probably not ready to romance. Who knows if he'll ever be. His goal in TLV is to give Lucrecia a choice whether to stay in prison, live out the rest of a mortal life or pass on into the Lifestream so I can imagine him holding on to that love until then.
Deep abiding friendships though? Hoo yeah.
Is Lucrecia a good person to love? Debatable. Probably not. But love does its thing. Would he ever see anyone else romantically? HARD TO SAY and probably not right now.
Lahabrea and Vincent just
over being in a weird place re: romance
Aw Vincent
will either of them talk about it? probably not!
They need not talk about it. May come up once. Then never again..
In a plain, headcanony way, I can see him maybe working up to occasional going to bed with someone to blow off steam MAYBE but that is still a bit away in his progress.
And it would be VERY firmly friends with benefits sort of scenario.
(By a bit I mean.... A BIT)
(a hot minute. a 'while')
I do want to toss them together more! though post-NS Lahabrea is gonna be running comparatively low on aether for a bit
Maybe Vincent will drop by to make sure he's eating nutritionally.
Moving onto my other active character...
(Feel free to talk about Vincent just make sure to let me know talkin' about Vincent)
Vincent's free to! someone ought to
Gaia (FFXIV): So she is a seventeen year old, still trying to find herself and her place in the world. She probably doesn't consciously focus on romance GIVEN THE WHOLE TOXIC LEVEL CRAZY that occurred to her mere weeks or nebulous short time before she got zooped over.
She is BFF with Ryne and well, there's some stuff to unpack there. Whether she's just friends, maybe more. They are VERY CLOSE. Either way while she's definitely a teenager and definitely in those states of heeeeey how YOU DOIN' that all teenagers can be, she's also got a lot on her mind and also... well, OPTIONS to consider.
Also she's turning into a dragon.
But she also does have Sephiroth (the teenage one) that has kind of become a friend and maybe surrogate 'let's do our nails, go shopping, pick up stuff at the bakery' equivalents in fantasy D&D land.
Not a BOY friend. Just a friend who is a boy. Though neither will say they are friends.
But also, he lets her do his nails.
he insists it's not friendship. he's not ready for friends. but someone has to keep an eye on this townie rich girl thrown into the sticks.
And I do want to be clear they are going shopping for wool padding and soft pelts to LINE A COFFIN they have offered to build for the Vincent Valentine there.
But it's still nails, shopping and stopping by the bakery
draconic: Vincent will. After all Lahabrea did do him a solid on keeping the refridgeration up on the makeshift morgu.
He deserves some of the man's VERY VERRY MINIMAL social reserves.
Even if it's 'drop off food'
Without so much as a flutter of cloak in sight. Just food. appearing. Mysteriously.
(Lahabrea will obviously be able to sense who it is)
also and mostly unrelatedly Gaia and Bread need to talk!
though can probably save that till whenever event stuff happens?
i think it'll be friday. or saturday
draconic: Yes and I know I have one sitting like thick oatmeal in my inbox so if you want to void that I can say their first encounter was elsewhere. HOWEVER I am planning to get to those today too and planned to be like 'aaaaa all these ascians' because Emet-Selch also booped her.
we can absolutely use that one!
I've got threads with Erich and Emet still going there too
Vincent and Aerith very firmly friends who look out for each other. and sometimes there may be wine or a hair brush.
And they will graduate to bets and hairstyles one day