[dragon quest xi] i ended up getting a physical copy in my crave for more fun fantasy adventures and let me tell you: real good game
latest #17
I've acquired a boat so let's see how long it takes me to get back to the main quest. Like, there could be Recipes to find
All of the characters are real good and fun, I'm just constantly rotating my party because I like to behold them and don't want to leave anyone out for too long
Sylvando is like best boy in a cast full of best boys/girls
he's this perfect blend of genuinely cool and a silly guy having a good time
Dragon Quest XI's party is some of the most Designed guys ever
I put Veronica in the cat suit immediately and it really enhances her strong sense of holding onto her dignity no matter the situation
try to get everyone hit by the dancing condition
you won't be disappointed
Erik is the best dancer, Eleven is probably the worst
(also statistically, Sylvando has the lowest resistance to Dance)
That tracks. Man commits to the bit constantly
I'll pay close attention next time they get taken by the urge. I did notice that there were different dances but did not fully bask
Also is Dave Sylv's boyfriend or his henchman?
Like they're quite affectionate at each other but also that's kind of the default state of things to and from Sylv
I feel like the general response to that question is "yes"
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