14 years ago
I very sad... My phone kana confiscate ley :-(
latest #19
Yakult :
14 years ago
Wl !! Why...
XuanPing says
14 years ago
14 years ago
I go use... but his lesson end liao ley wtfk :-(
Yakult :
14 years ago
LOL........... Wth lor................. sob.
XuanPing says
14 years ago
lol , who confiscate?
14 years ago
Mrchoong. That half botak pe teacher LOL.
XuanPing says
14 years ago
angelc_: ohh him -.-
XuanPing says
14 years ago
angelc_: always see you, almost late almost late de...
14 years ago
How you see one D:
XuanPing says
14 years ago
angelc_: LOL . today, ytd i took the same mrt as you in the morning
XuanPing says
14 years ago
today and ytd LOL
XuanPing says
14 years ago
coz, i also going late that kind ... that you also... ;shy
14 years ago
Why I never see! Shy my foot lar TSK.
XuanPing says
14 years ago
LOL. you in class 2/4 rite?
14 years ago
Aiseh lor. Hear till is it... :-(
XuanPing says
14 years ago
Amaths lesson at class 2/5 , today walk pass 2/4 , then saw you
14 years ago
Kkk D:
XuanPing says
14 years ago
sadz for?
14 years ago
Nothing ._.
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