Replurk Worthy
4 months ago
How old are the people sending me c. ai requests via email 😭 I see so many of them use "u" as you and "r" for are, et cetera
latest #9
I used to know a girl who was like 17-18 and she'd use u even while arguing and in serious discussions
Replurk Worthy
4 months ago
etherealdream: I can't take (most) people serious when they argue like that. I just imagine them furiously typing and using "like" & "tbh"
I could NEVER take her seriously
Replurk Worthy
4 months ago
I get it if it's to save some time or you're in a rush to get off your phone but other than that
Yeahh but still like in a serious situation that the #1 thing to do to not get taken seriously
Replurk Worthy
4 months ago
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