6 hours ago
Got the Pfizer covid vaccine yesterday, feel like crap today.
latest #11
6 hours ago
Did not sleep well, and feel drained. This one really kicked my butt.
6 hours ago
Thankfully no meetings today and I can take it easy. Leftovers so no need to cook either which is a good thing. I planned for that just in case.
Good morning! . Feeling crappy is reassurance that it’s working.
Swamp Daddy
4 hours ago
I usually like to do my Covid shots on a Friday or Saturday so if there is a little problem I can relax and not worry about work.
4 hours ago
Thankfully it is a quiet Friday for work so not too bad, just difficult trying to stay warm right now.
4 hours ago
I was like that with my last booster. I’m getting flu and Covid vax this weekend... pray for me 😂
emily ✟
4 hours ago
I hope you feel better soon.
4 hours ago
shesays_: Thanks. I think I am getting past the worst of it, but it has drained me.
4 hours ago
lunajubilee: Good luck.
2 hours ago
I’m getting mine today.
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