[replurk]Donate to Help Save Hanzo's Life, organized by Aliso...a plurk pal's cat needs some help, please share/donate if you can <3
latest #28
tysm for doing this
least i can do since my plurk is already public
Replurked. As soon as payday comes around I’ll donate too
oh I'm so glad I was about to dust off my public account thing
just posted an update on the gfm but tl;dr ultrasound done, consistent with fatty liver disease which is better than some of the other shit it could have been but it does mean he's getting a feeding tube and i'll be taking care of that for the next couple of months (this is fine with me i absolutely thought he was dying in the next few days until now so lol)
it's definitely not the cheaper outcome but it is the one he can pull through and potentially get to live a full life so i'll take it
thank you so so much everyone who's donated so far, we couldn't do this without you
his feeding tube placement went well and he's awake and resting comfortably! no news is good news overnight but i should get another update in the morning
wo ai ni ★
4 months ago
Good!!!! Ganbatte buddy
ohhh im so glad to hear it's much more treatable
the vast
4 months ago
Good luck!! I've had pet health scares combined with crazy vet bills in the past with my cats too, they add up fast... I'm glad it's treatable and I hope he pulls through safely! I donated a little to try and keep momentum going
thank you so much! he is home now and i did my first tube feeding, he's such a good boy
so most likely the worst is over but we have months of recheck appointments and labs to anticipate so it's gonna be rough for awhile
gfm has been updated with how my guy's been doing (great so far!) and also with some shitty photos of the bills we've gotten just to be more transparent about that part, thanks so much for all the donations so far
updated gfm again with his first followup appointment he's getting some more meds but he's already starting to act more like himself so we're really grateful!
the vast
4 months ago
I'm glad he's acting more like himself! Best of luck to you! Also since the GFM is starting to slow down, I'm sure you already googled already but I wanted to share this resource which is set to a page of extra resources for getting financial aid for vet bills
oh wow thank you for this! i'll go through these tonight
gj hanzo on his continued improvement
he's doing really well! he's now eating on his own which is huge, he goes back in on tuesday to recheck his liver enzymes again and i'm pretty confident they're gonna look much better this time
financially we're still pretty boned but at least he's going to make it
twitter is complete trash now but i do have a tweet if anyone would like to rt!
well my man took it upon himself to remove his own feeding tube yesterday morning while i was sleeping so he went to the vet and fortunately it ended up being okay his bloodwork looked much better too so he's officially on the mend! paying this stuff off is still going to be a major burden but it's hard to care when i thought he was dying two weeks ago
bumps this for you X-(
smithsyndicate: thank you he is doing so much better but we are getting kind of annihilated by these bills so any help is hugely appreciated
really really glad to hear he's on the mend
unfortunately bumping this as the first wave of vet bill payments has left us pretty deep in the hole
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