anyone you like, anything
it might get my brain rolling /pushes this sisyphean mfer
favourite dice if you have any? or what music gets you in the mood to write tags?
self care for the roster! one thing they enjoy doing for themselves and one thing they probably should but dont.
one song that always makes you vibe on John Doe and one that always makes you vibe on Florian and one that always makes you vibe on Kiryu.
craftyviking: I love all my dice, honestly, but I have a deep fondness for a set of Elden Ring dice I have yet to ink because I just can't think of what color they should be and I don't want to ruin them. Of dice I don't own, I want
these like burning
as for music, music doesn't really get me into the mood for tags! I tend to put on lofi beats and stuff for tagging so I don't get distracted by lyrics. Silent Hill remixes and FF remixes are good. I tend to get pumped for tags by READING my (incoming) tags
BBitsaboi: Jamie plays with their pet rats. Jamie should
go to therapy find a hobby of his own. He just works All The Time because parentified liek woah and doesn't know how to relax. The constant feeling of something needing to be done is intense.
Saga knits, all kinds of things, though she's taken to doing a lot of stuffies on board for various people. She IS working on a sweater right now, though. And she should get out and socialize/mingle a little more but she's also bad at clocking out in this environment.
Florian reads scientific journals. He's not much for non-fiction but he loves the advances that various universes have managed to attain. He SHOULD talk to some of the people he loves more about his feelings and fears without being prompted lol not likely.
ahh yes. the workaholics need to rest but don't.
Vincent secretly enjoys video games and movies. TV is too much of a commitment, but big adventure films and games. One of the things he's going to ask Lark for is a gaming system and a TV. I kinda headcanon that a lot of what he's made sure to indulge in is all the things he was denied as a kid and told were evil.
He SHOULD abandon his god instead of feeling like a constant war with her that he's losing all the time but that's going to take a lot more healing to get to. Sometimes going NC with the abusive person is better than continually fighting them, boy
John does so many things for his own self-care. One of the big ones is just settle with someone he loves to Be With Them for a while in shared company with no need to do anything or talk all the time. That's his usual time for meditating on the day and what he's learned and it gets pretty deep usually. Almost like sleeping.
What he NEEDS to do is stop being afraid of sleeping and seeing it as a small death. He's doing all his processing actively as opposed to letting any of it process on its own.
not Hanna being extremely stoked and ready to show him how to find all the secrets in his favorite game series. Play with him Vinny. it'll be great. also yeah, maybe find a new diety or none at all. it'll be so good for him >>
BBitsaboi: he's like a kid with a very abusive parent who happens to be the richest person in town. he's trying to stick it out because he knows he won't find a better deal (in his mind) but it'd be so much healthier to cut and run and move to a different town
but the inheritance! NO LEAVE.
'it's fine if I know she's abusive'
'I suffered all these years for nothing? that's what you're telling me?'
>8| Hanna won't leave his town for other reasons but dude. maybe just enjoy the separation and think about the many options you now have in front of you. there aren't a lot of bad choices to be made.
well, that's the problem. he thinks he's in his god's hell right now.
a part of him doesn't believe there's a way out
living it up in hell is certainly better than suffering but sir, that take is maybe a little silly if you take a few steps back and consider everyone else on board. though Hanna summoning the otherworld probably didn't help that assumption that he can't get away.
he's intellectualized his problem so badly that he doesn't see what other solutions might be available for him
...I might have to do a whole plurk on Vincent
cause god, his faith and his feelings are SO much more than comes out in most threads
there's a lot of pieces working underneath
obviously he needs an idiot to help him out. and you should
first one is general, second one is 'when he needs to be epic'
...or I play the scene in 5 when he out and out challenges 100 armed yakuza to a duel against himself and kicks all their asses. that's another one
John Doe is usually prog rock, just pop on the Spotify list and go, no specific songs though Moonchild is probably the closest to a single one
I love Rufus Wainwright.
I used to have three of his albums on just repeat in my car right after college