同学提问:“我认为这个世界很假、虚伪、黑暗,我经常感受到失望”_哔哩哔哩_bilibili0:43 他對這個世界的感受,對他而言一定是真實的。但那其實只是所有真實中的一個面而已
1:44 我們的生命中既有真實也有虛假,但為什麼注意力一直停留在''虛假、黑暗、虛偽''這些層面上呢? 為什麼會更多的注意到這些部份?
因為對身邊的人的愛、付出、幫助,沒有真正的感恩,甚至認為是理所當然,不珍惜時有再多的真實都是看不見的(會有個盲區) ,沒有真正去接受這份世界對你的愛。那內在就會是空虛 恐懼 憤怒的。 視角會不自覺的傾向於黑暗 虛假..等部分。
不接受虛假 不需受黑暗,你認為那是不好的/壞的,但事實上就算是''假的''也有一些有趣的、有意義的部份。(Ex:遊戲) 完整的體驗可以讓你學到很多、更加珍惜生命中的愛.給予
當你抗拒虛假的時候,那份抗拒會讓你陷入黑暗中無法自拔,試著去接受難受 失望 虛假,你的內在就開始進入假假真真、不真不假的狀態,你就能開始真正的成長
What Is Your Hobby? |🎧 Podcast and Chill | BeginnerWhat Is Your Hobby? |🎧 Podcast and Chill | Beginner
LEP - Learn English Podcast
這個頻道我也可以試著聽 (先前聽了另個頻道,討論''你想長生嗎?''的話題,雖然有字幕我還是很懵,生字的數量多到我得破譯...不懂意思的話聽起來也沒意思了,代表我應該找適合我等級的內容來聽) / 這個頻道是主持人一男一女的對話,語速慢而且用的字比較日常 簡單些,(雖然還是會有生字但不會太影響理解內容) / 這個頻道很特別的是,一部影片大約會分成3個部份,在每部份兩人對話結束後,會有個介紹生詞的環節,除了做英英解釋之外,也會附上剛才提到的內容做為例句
Learning English with Podcast Conversation | Element...Learning English with Podcast Conversation | Elementary | Episode 1. Difficult Customer
新發現的頻道! ''Learning English with Podcast Conversation''
我聽的是elementary level初級/基礎
podcast的順序大概是:主持人(男&女各一人)開場大綱 / 劇情 / 解說劇情對話中使用到的片語等(並附上其他情境例句) / 再聽一遍劇情 / 複習剛才提過的片語並補充相關詞彙
HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR ENGLISH SKILLS | 7 TIPS29:28 ''嘿你們還在呀'' / 笑死哈哈哈哈哈她太可愛了!! 好喜歡好活潑
大概的方法就是那些:看看英文電影、節目、文章、小說,聽聽podcast,和母語者或同為學習者的人、朋友用英文聊天(或是對著鏡子自言自語) / 用英文寫日記,寫今天最印象深刻的事、寫最開心的事、早餐吃什麼?、打算做什麼? 總之各種事情都可以~.
31:21 好暖的人!!!!! / 對方意料外的''Do you mind eating with me?''
Everything Is Going to Be Okay |💖 To your inner chil...合集
48:27 / 49:34 不是一昧追尋事物/希望他人改變,而是專注讓自己進步/成長
54:08 和上面提到的差不多,就是別''期望''事情的發展,而是專注在自身的計畫和目標上,因為很多事情是不會照計畫進行的。
55:00 Try not to set strict goals. Like I must lose 5 kilos in a month. Which can add unnecessary pressure. By focusing in your intentions, you make small, easy changes and enjoy the process without stressing about exact results. Don't expect others to act a certain way, instead focus on being kind, supportive, and true to yourself.
55:37 To sum up ''I don't chase, I attract'' is more than just a phrase, it's a way of living that brings peace and confidence. When you stop chasing and start focusing on your own growth, positive things will naturally come your way.
Whether it's opportunities, people, or experiences, what you need will find you when the time is right. So, let go, trust the process, and focus on becoming the best version of yourself. The rest will follow.
英文是國際共同語言/旅行和找工作都很有好處/很多資源 素材都是英文的,所以會英文也能得到更多幫助/ 也能在一點點的進步中增強自信心
Leo: Yes, and when we focus too much on what others have achieved, we forget to work on our own progress. It’s like being in a race, but you’re always watching others instead of focusing on yourself. I also talk about comparison, but it’s about looking back at how you've been comparing yourself over time.
Leo: One good way is to focus on your own progress. Even small steps are important. Gwen, how can our listeners see their progress?
Gwen: Well, Leo, you can look back at where you started. For example, if you’re learning English, think about how much better you are now than a few months ago. Maybe before, you couldn’t understand English movies, but now you can understand some words. That’s progress!
Leo: A good way to see your progress is to write it down. Keep a notebook. Each week, write one thing you did better. For example, “This week, I learned 10 new words,” or “I spoke English with my friends.”
Gwen: That’s a great idea! You can also make a “success board.” Put notes or pictures of your achievements. This will help you see your progress.
Leo: Yes! Even small steps are still steps forward. Even if you feel slow, you’re still moving forward.
Gwen: Moreover, everyone moves at their own speed. It’s okay if you take longer to reach your goals than your friend.
Leo: Other people's successes don't take away from yours. There's enough success for everyone. Supporting others can also make you feel good and motivated. It's a win-win!
Leo: Now, let’s talk about something that can really help us feel better. It's accepting yourself. When you practice it, you can recognize that you are enough, just as you are. You don’t need to be perfect or like someone else to be valuable.
Gwen: A great way to practice it is through taking a few moments each day to focus on your breathing. This can help you let go of negative feelings and focus on the present.
Leo: Yes! Studies show that it can reduce stress and improve mental health. When you accept yourself, you stop comparing and feel happier. So remember, you don’t have to be like anyone else. You are enough, and your journey is unique.
大概就是茶的起源、在不同地區的飲用習慣和變化(用除了茶葉以外的植物來泡 / 或是添加花及香料、牛奶等 )、茶包的出現、波士頓茶葉事件
*聽到這才認識到原來讀空氣也可以算是天賦! 因為不是每個人都能做到