I put off trying again for way too long, but this time I'm planning on flying in an afternoon earlier so I'll have more time in case something goes wrong
I'm planning on leaving Sunday the 27th and getting back on Tuesday the 29th.... can also call it a little Halloween treat for myself
so expect slower tagging on those days, I might still hit up a few things since I'll be spending a lot of time in a hotel but no guarantees

I'm hoping if everything goes well I can move out before the holidays start
or in the gap of time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, that would work too
got my time off approved, got the flight and hotel booked, and I scheduled one showing.... I just need to get another couple of showings for that Monday and I'll be good
I'm flying Southwest this time, fuck American Airlines lol
the first place I scheduled the showing with said the room I'm interested in is available on 10/31.... apparently they'll hold it for me if I pay a fee with my application but idk if they'll hold it for two weeks lol. hopefully!
they do have slightly more expensive options though and I could swing one of those if that particular room doesn't work out
sweet, that property manager called me up and let me know they'll hold apartments for 2-3 weeks
Best luck!
I've been spending a lot of my downtime during work on a cleaning/boxing spree again

I have slowly been grabbing big enough boxes from packages my fam gets and packing things for.... months. which I'm sure isn't pathetic or anything
sounds more like it's frugal and practical thinking ahead for me
yeah my dad would just throw away the boxes if they pile up over time... I have to snatch the good ones
since those moving boxes can be ridic expensive (or at least they were when we had to move 3 years ago bc the landlady decided she wanted to have an air b&b rather than tenants)
also, if you don't want/need them, the cats always do :3
oh yeah several of these the cats played in a bunch before I used them rofl... honestly there's always the option of asking a liquor store for their extra boxes tho
(and people kicking out tenants for airbnb instead is the literal worst)
(it sure was! she literally went the psycho terror route and even falsified dates on rent contracts to get all the 5 parties out. Too bad for her that she only thought to falsify on her own copy. The judge was not amused.)
goddamn, I'm glad she got in trouble for that, wtf
(the good thing is that we got a bigger, nicer place now that's literally only 2 streets away from the old one)
she was literally one of those landlords from hell you see in tv. are you going to look for something private owner or business owned?
at least it's a happy ending 😭
I don't really have a choice at the moment, I'm checking the reddit for the city to make sure I don't go with any particularly bad companies but I'm going to be looking at both
fingers crossed you'll get a good one, whichever it is!
it took a ridiculous amount of looking for me to get a second showing for Monday.... there's like 3 places I contacted that haven't gotten back to me yet ;;
I'm taking a break for now but I'll try again tomorrow to get a third one. This second place is an income-restricted one I qualify for that's roomier than the first I'll be looking at so it's a strong contender
I had to deal with e-mailing an AI chatbot but it did at least confirm that I could get into it lol
Finally just booked my third tour for a big apartment complex next to a hospital .... the Google reviews said it was bug-free despite some other minor problems which was pretty decent for a Google review honestly
it is definitely the lowest on my list though since the other buildings are much smaller and as a result probably quieter