because my first thought once I recognized the song was "oh!! Vagrant Story music!!"
(there was a really good AMV, that's why I associate it)
anyway, with that bit of laughing at myself out of the way, on to the event

it is very funny that you're telling me this like I was not personally present on your journey to discovering this last year
The Inherent Limitations Of Seasonal MMO Writing

nevertheless, it continues to be the cutest plot development
I've only seen some of the hand/land guildmasters by the amphitheater this go around, am I missing something?
I haven't even seen the guildmasters yet, I just went straight to pumpkin lady
lmao god I love this plot. you can take the voidsent out of the void but you can't quite take the void out of the voidsent
i blitzed through the story for the drip, do they make no mention of what happened vis-a-vis Golbez?
seasonal events are never that tightly tied to main story progression, otherwise they'd spoil new players
they're writing reformed voidsent now because these stories are being written after they wrote the MSQ that laid the groundwork for reformed voidsent, but it needs to also be able to stand alone for somebody who isn't even out of ARR yet

lmao this poor fuckin guy

very important
there's also namazu
did they have A Certain Inspector (Polygon Ver.) last year
if they did I wasn't able to see him, but I Don't Think So


I think I must have a bunch of people missing here
well I just tried to get Fourchenault upskirts because of course I did, you give me an elezen man in a skirt and I'm gonna objectify him

and I was Disappointed
the sharlayan way to hide your legs: just turn them invisible
Huh brandihild should be there
not only are his legs invisible but most of his skirt is a solid mass
advanced anti-upskirt technology
yes i spent a long time trying to figure out what to call the modesty zone this morning
modesty swirl? modesty blocker? modesty whirlpool?
RandomProphet: I haven't done any Hildibrand past ARR so I suspect he's just not unlocked for me
I didn't have Hancock last year either, because I hadn't done Mount Rokkon at the time
oh yeah that's probably why