The pretty characters are fine but why did they have to do that to the eyebags or the hooked nose or the interesting jawline if it's hard it's called PRACTICE SKETCHES FOR A REASON
Listen!!! Listen!!! I know changing your style is hard to accommodate new shapes but the new shapes can be very fun I promise
Please I am begging the internet to stop homogenizing their artwork work
We've got to do something to make ourselves stand out against the algorithm generated slop that's starting to flood the market as it is
loud agreeing noises!!!! if anything please everyone use your skills to make characters LESS generic
me when people add Features to my genshin faves:
sameface is my least favorite thing
Me, blasting my faves with All The Charm Points
How to know I love a character, I give them The Shapes
Zoharial: the reason why I fall off of a lot of series, to be honest. I worked hard to break out of my sameface era
(The reason why a lot of things look the same in anime and manga is the unhealthy turnaround time enforced on the artists, but Character Design Is My Passion and the rule is a character should be instantly recognizable by their silhouette alone)
Push that to "if it is a black and white sketch someone should still be able to tell who it is"
relatedly it drives me bonkers when people mod video game NPCs to take all their features away. one of my friends found a mod that removed all of astarion's wrinkles? and I've seen a mod that took away all of josephine montilyet's beautiful moles
Which is why I am delighted when I draw Aerith the way I do and people STILL know who she is even if I unleash her hair
It means I am doing my job correct!!!
nooo put the Shapes back!!!
me when they tone down the Dorito features on fkmt characters in fanart
4 months ago @Edit 4 months ago
a little tone down is fine but like some people straight up remove the dorito
rosebriar: the day I saw the kpop star mod for Astarion I wanted to throw the entire modding community away
I don't understand why some people want everyone to be featurelessly airbrushed
Like I still have not played more than an hour of BG3 but making Karlach Skinny Pretty Girl and turning the boys into Kpop Pretty Guys is so frustrating
There are a bazillion games where the characters look just like that, go play those instead!!!
Speaking of art though I have less than zero energy for anything art or writing related to the point looking at my stuff is spiking Anxious Bad Feelings so on that note I am going to slither off and do chores or something
listen when you are under less Strugglebus i will send you annotations of what I believe in my heart genshin characters should ahve to make their faces Shapier
because someday i will get to the point where i will lean on you as the one artist i know who is on my brainwave about spicy things
I'd love that I have Shape Thoughts as someone who has Entirely Wrong Opinions About Them via Fandom Osmosis
I love Kanesha C Bryant's work, absolutely Shape Goals when it comes to art for me
I haven't read all of dungeon meshi but
I've seen the character appearance tables
Ryoko Kui is also art goals