alas I have no costumes that fit and don't have spoons/time to figure one out this month, so the parade is out.
but I could do the other if you'd like
fwiw the parade is very chill and they don't police costuming! most people dress up but it's definitely not a requirement
but I'd love to do haunted overload with you; are you q daytime walk-through person or a night haunt person
did the daytime walk with a couple neighbors!
If only I was still up in NH. :c
which would you prefer? I'm flexible, I just work M-F and don't have energy in the evenings after work, so it'll have to be the weekend
tricia868 they only do weekends anyway! a couple questions to help deciding:
1) how are you with spooky/haunted house stuff? the nighttime haunts have several options (lights and sound effects but no actors VS lights and sound effects and actors that follow you and jump out at you (but don't grab/touch in any way) VS no lights beyond glowsticks that you carry
2) the nighttime haunt line can also be long - it weaves in and around props so it isn't boring, but i've personally never had a wait shorter than half an hour at night, and i know people who have seen hour-and-a-half-long lines, so if time is a factor for you (since i know it's a long drive/ride back home for you!), that might be something to consider
this was my first time doing the daytime haunt, and i'd say i love both for different reasons - i'm v into the spooky stuff, but it was also really cool to walk through at a leisurely pace and see all the props in full daylight
wow, that's an amazing level of creativity and work
there's a reason it's nationally recognized!
I'm up for anything that is NOT flashing lights, so if the night haunt is going to be flickery, we should not do that. And I just got invited to a Halloween party hosted by the friend group of the person I've been dating, so apparently I have plans the evening of the 26th now
i hadn't been since 2019 (and i'd never gone in the daytime), and it was noticebly bigger
tricia868 i can contact them and ask if there's any flickering lights involved this year!
i'm trying to find the schedule; i was looking at it earlier today but now it's nowhere, wtf
if you don't mind, that would be great! Also, I have no plans this weekend, or I'm free the 27th
Oh, or if you don't mind going after Halloween, I'm definitely free the first weekend in November
sadly i think 10/31 is their last night
okay, i sent them an instagram message asking about the lighting
scheduling-wise, i can pretty much do any night; it's only 15 minutes away from me
Can we do the first Saturday in November? That gives me this weekend as a chill at home and do crafts and laundry and tags weekend
i'm not buying anything yet ofc, but it looks like the earlier time slots are settling out faster, and currently 7:45pm is their earliest start time. assuming the possibility of a long line, is that too late?
like, the line is fun, there's stuff to see and actors bop around there too, but if we arrived at 7:45 there's a possibility we'd be there until 9:30 or so, and i know it's a hike back home for you!
(would you be driving or taking the bus/train?)
That's fine, I was hoping for Saturday since I don't have to worry about getting up for work the next day
if you'd like to carpool to make parking easier, you can drive to my place and we can go together in my car
tricia868 okay, their response was "there are a few scenes" - dealbreaker?
(re: scenes with flashing lights)
i can ask for more details if necessary
flashing lights are a migraine trigger, and if I get hit with them for more than a few seconds, I'll probably be too sick to drive home after, so alas, they are a dealbreaker
(otherwise I have to close my eyes and just hold onto you and get guided through those scenes, ha)
aw man, i'm sorry
for what it's worth i'd be very willing to keep an eye up ahead for flashing lights and guide you through anything iffy while you kept your eyes closed! but i completely understand if you'd rather not risk it
We could give it a try, if you don't mind!
That's also my method of dealing with police lights whenever I'm walking with people, somebody has to guide me down the sidewalk
flashing blue lights are the worst
i don't mind at all! when i'm done eating lunch i'll look at the ticket timeslots again to see if anything's changed, then confirm with you - i can buy them both and you can paypal me your half?
-- oh huh, they have a lot more slots showing as available than they did last night; weird
does 6:45pm on 11/2 work?
yay! also, I'm going apple picking next Sunday if you want to come
Probably Touga's Farm in Northborough
I know that's a trek for you, though!
assuming you mean the 27th and not tomorrow - i might be available! what time?
yes, the 27th! I haven't picked an exact time yet, still coordinating things
i'll see how i feel as the week goes on; i only have a couple jobs that day, and i'm not overnighting anywhere
which means my schedule is not beholden to any particular dog beyond drop-ins