帝看過羅戴過那彷彿融進烈日色澤的艷色短橘髮。 剛取下假髮的力道撥亂柔軟的灰髮髮絲,飽含愛意的琥珀色眼眸如寶石般透亮閃要使人移不開目光,白皙的肌膚上卻有著顯得突兀暗色血漬和泥土。 殷紫眸略帶著憐惜跟相同炙熱的愛意回以目光,啟唇。 Du verführst mich und ich verführe dich 帝歪了歪頭,微笑似乎在詢問羅是否有即時錄製成功,隨後俯身趴在書桌上,半臉埋在臂彎中的嗓音朦朧—— Lassen Sie mich nachsehen, ob Sie verletzt sind?
還記得我們的小王子、狐狸與他的玫瑰嗎? I don't eat bread, wheat is of no use to me, and I have no feeling for wheat, but as long as you tame me, then whenever the wind blows the wheat, I will be happy and I will think of your golden hair. In this sense, you are the only one that is irreplaceable in this life for me.
Because he is my rose, he is unique in the universe to me. There are many roses in the world, but the roses that you and I remember, every time we give a gift, they are roses in a different sense, just like you to me, you are the most special person.