i am begging npr correspondents to find a different way to talk about "harris's outreach to black male voters". different phrasing, different intonation, something
dear lakshmi singh, you sound exactly like you're talking about her outreach to blackmail voters. not a story we need rn
(i'm 99% joking but also i did legit do a doubletake while listening this morning)
....yeah i feel like they could just. switch those adjectives around maybe
"male black voters" sounds very linguistically off to me, but like
"black [slight pause] male voters"
or phrasing where "blackmail voters" makes no grammatical sense coming immediately after what came before
Black men voters wouldn't be the end of the world
Voting outreach to black men
can't mess with English adjective order
"voter outreach to black men" seems like the best option
it took me a second to realize what the problem was because I'm reading it here, not hearing it.
but now I can't unhear it
"voter outreach to black men" YES, thank you, this is the best solution imo
"black men voters" sounds even more wrong to me than "male black voters"
nivisecond she literally said it
identically to blackmail. zero tonal difference
just "outreach to black men" would probably work. like, the context is election outreach so them being potential voters is sort of baked into the whole premise.
Worse than that???
Harris now throwing out cheap as hell sounding offers like $20,000 for one million black entrepreneurs and legalizing marijuana use.
So embarrassing.
lol oh buddy you found the wrong account via site search, sorry
KAMALA THE DEMON that is so trollbaity it's hilarious omg.
legalizing marijuana use. don't threaten me with a good time
I don't even use marijuana and I want it to be legalized.
magicom: Truly humiliating to black men. Scraps thrown at them.
Ihdreniel: I create intelligent content and I reply. Plurk needs people like me.
Ihdreniel: I think that they attempt to offend less by putting skin tone identity sandwiched in between male and voters?
I thought about this.
But black male voters DOES sound more natural to me.
Ihdreniel: Looks like you are done with this topic but wanted to add this link. I think it seems mean, demoralizing to equate self worth with voting? Attractiveness as a man? Young men have like three times greater suicide rates than women in the US. Lay off the gimmicks and shame and blame Kamala Harris. I am being serious.
i'm not done with this topic, i'm just beyond doubtful that someone with the display name KamalaTheDemon is making their points in any kind of good faith
(with the username HarrisHoundFromHell as an added bonus; do you just sit on the site search page and endlessly look for plurks that mention harris or what)
Considering how hard they yanked the reins of the conversation from "discussing problems with the linguistics reporters are using" to "let's criticize Harris herself", I'm a little skeptical too.