illin' klorvus
1 months ago
[ncod] this might have been yesterday but i still don't have internet so deal with me lmao. i am a whole dude
latest #7
illin' klorvus
1 months ago
i identified as nonbinary for a long time but when i moved and was in a relatively healthy family unit/safe environment my gender just moved more and more down the man end of the scale until i settled on "whole trans man and don't really feel enby at all tbh"
illin' klorvus
1 months ago
sexuality is a little fuzzier? i also identified as a lesbian for a long time but i think that may have been more about gender affirmation/not feeling safe with cis men so i think i'm probably like kinsey 5 gay. especially since starting hormones i look at hot women and am like "oh that's nice"
illin' klorvus
1 months ago
woman in a string bikini "aren't you cold"
illin' klorvus
1 months ago
i'm like...somewhere around 1.5 months on T, i think i've done 5 injections?? and it's slightly complicated because i'm also on a med that inhibits a lot of its effects and i can't get off it for almost a month lol
illin' klorvus
1 months ago
and waiting to get called for a top surgery consult which i'm told should take about a year
illin' klorvus
1 months ago
(i'm in the unfortunate position that it is literally physically impossible for me to bind down to a plausibly male-ish contour so walking around with this obvious female characteristic no matter what i do is lol not great but like. i'd have to cave my chest wall in to do anything about it)
illin' klorvus
1 months ago
i told a discord server that's intermittently active that i was a man and using he/him pronouns now and my favorite response was "congrats on your himitude!"
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