continuing adventures of "wtf is my body doing"
latest #18
think largely okay today?
stomach is idk but thats a normal one. well, some different but its been doing this weird thing where i cant tell if its gas or not and i feel a something in there every so often for about a year or so
worked from home just in case and also stomach issues would much rather have at home
but was fine at work, till i started doing things with a list i made and wasnt looked at by anyone else (yet)
so we usually get a list of grouped things and a list of all the things (including the individual things in the group) and we didn't get that this sme
so project manager said "we can probably get list of ungrouped/all things by using these two files
so i put it together cause it was really easy
but when i went to go to the step that needed that list i became all nervous
which is real stupid, because at worst i just have to ignore two of the files i made and do a slight adjustment to one
and im pretty sure its right anyway???
and its still sorta hanging around so ugh
in other news i have spent entirely too much money today with car insurance+groceries+bday gift+political donation :\
i can afford it all since today was pay day but i still feel very ugh too many monies
seem to be mostly taking plurk break this week. not sure if will keep doing it or not
but plurk has many things and tags and stardew valley exist and are not plurk lol
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