So that's fun. I had an adventure these past few hours.
latest #15
I changed the cat litter. Me and my roommate went to take cat litter and garbage outside.
Sketchy neighbor freaked out roommate as we were heading out so she locked the door. We took things out. Then realized I forgot my keys inside the apartment so we were locked out..
Then we walked several blocks over yo my friends house, scared her by knocking on the door but managed to use her phone.
4 months ago
Omg Mika ;; /HUGS
Then we called a locksmith who came at like 645am and helped us get into the building and then he happened to have our landlord's number so he called him and he came to let us into our apt.
Jesus im so sorry, Mika. ;;;
It's been a night ;;
Dragons Dragons
4 months ago
Oh no D:
4 months ago
Oh that's awful and scary, I'm sorry
thanks guys <3
let's just say i learnt my lesson
NEVER forget one's keys
Cloud Fox
4 months ago
i'm sorry you had to go through that! i'm glad you made it back inside safely.
teacuppity: thank you ;; ❤️ I'm glad it wasn't too long since we wanted to get back to our cats
Cloud Fox
4 months ago
oh god yes, i would be even more anxious if i were separated from my cat, so i can empathize!
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