It's super cute and super fun and super creative.
If you couldn't tell, I really enjoyed it ^^
Tri was cute, even if she could've used a little more personality? but like, I get it
The relationship between Zelda and her father the King was so wholesome.
All of the different groups you help are good. Especially Conde, he's such a sweetheart.
Wish I'd found Dampe sooner so I could actually try using the automatons, but hey, something to keep in mind for next time.
Honestly I could see myself doing a second playthrough sometime just for the sake of trying out different echo strategies.
(According to the Deku Tree, I have two that I didn't find. So I'll probably at least find those.)
Stamp Guy, also! He was fantastic. Super fun sidequest.
when I found out the main enemy's name was Null
just, glances at angelfic
But yeah, Zelda's first official solo adventure was a good one!
Oh, and Smog showed up! (Twice!)
The boss from the Cane of Somaria's dungeon back in Ages!
He hasn't shown up in decades (I checked the wiki), and he definitely fit the puzzle nature of this game, so it's awesome that they decided to bring him back.