tinwateringcan What's the OOC preference here: should other interactions with the Narrenschiff be documented here (with a link to the thread, as necessary), or take place on this post outright?
"She went swimming on the evening she took the Oath, and the Lone One met her in some kind of demon shape and tried to drown her.” S’reee snorted, a very wet blowhole-laugh that just missed drenching Nita again, though this time not on purpose.
“Kind of an error of judgment on Its part! The fight between them threw her straight into sync with the whole element of water, right across the Med. For something like the whole year after, every wizard on Earth who met the Lone One physically on Ordeal reported that It turned up dripping.”
Starting to wonder if there is someone who will think to ask the ship 'if it comes to the Cap'n saying to kill this other ship for you... would you let him do it?'