theres a kind of like, pond area nearby? maybe it's meant to be a park of sorts??

theres a hallway between the residential zone and what i'm tentatively calling the "lobby" that has this, like, waiting room or sitting area kind of place
i guess it could be a lobby to the residential zone? apartment complex??

going straight through the library there's a staircase on the other side leading back down, to this four-way intersection

taking a left at the intersection leads to this complex i'm calling the green area
these are cleverly built with green wool instead of grass, for that extra artificial feel

going back to the intersection and taking a right, we have... i'm not sure what this space is exactly, but i'll call it the "venue area" because it seems like a place where you could host parties or other social events maybe
some of the "art" in here is housed in a kind of recessed sort of display that creates a neat optical effect which doesn't really come across in screenshots
i guess these spaces could actually be like, cafes or something?? bars maybe???
the floors are all made of glass and it's a really strange vibe
taking the stairs up is how you get to the actual entrance to the city at the surface of the water, by way of a path through the final sector of the city, which i'll call the amenities area
i'm referring to it as a single sector, but fully half of my screenshots are of this area. it's very dense and has a lot of interesting things in it

also some nice views
the verticality of the lecture hall actually causes it to span both the second and third tier, so you can move between those tiers by way of the back exit to the lecture hall in addition to going back to the stairs you came from

the third tier even has this weird kinda balcony area which overlooks the lecture hall for some reason?? idk man it's weird but it looks neat i guess
this is an area i only found while making this post
anyways, you pass through the reception area to find the stairs to the 4th tier, where you find yourself at an intersection between two split halves of this tier.

to the right, you have a... garden? i guess maybe this is a zen garden?? and a conference room

whoops forgot one

here's a better view of that actually. all the tiers except the first tier have an exterior exit that lets you visit the little areas with the cacti and the waterfalls

and finally, up the stairs to the 5th tier, which isn't really a proper tier at all, just kind of a landing area on the way to the surface with some glass hallways that serve as a kind of observation deck

and the best aerial view of the entire structure i was able to get
back when i first downloaded this map, i remember that minecraft did not properly handle rendering water against glass, so this had the effect of causing all the exterior windows to look like they had water flowing downwards over them
but even in modern times, underwater scenery through glass has never looked great in minecraft, and i installed these shaders in part with the hopes that that specific aspect would look cooler
unfortunately it didn't quite have that effect, due to a mix of factors, including the fact that the shaders don't properly render the sky through 2 or more transparent layers, the system resource demand forcing me to keep the render distance low, and the fact that the underwater scenery in this build was never very impressive to begin with
mainly because back then the tools to make good-looking underwater scenery in minecraft just didn't exist yet
no kelp or seagrass, no coral, no waterlogged blocks or anything like that
but i AM really happy with how the shaders created these kind of watery god rays effect over a lot of the interior scenery, where the light passed through the water. i found myself adjusting the time of day a lot while exploring to maximize the presence of that effect because i'm really fond of it
The lighting effects are really pretty!